Scientists: to live by the sea is useful for mental health!
In Site there is good news to live by the sea is useful for mental health! Of course, we always suspected this, but now that fact scientifically proven. A group of researchers from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, and the University of Michigan on the example of the inhabitants of the town of Wellington figured out how to stay near the ocean affects the mental health of people. After accounting for factors such as income level, age and gender, it was concluded that people living in homes with ocean views, are less prone to mental problems than all other
Startwish.ruOkazyvaetsya, a beneficial effect is not due to the proximity to nature as a whole, namely the proximity to the ocean. Accommodation near a park or forest does not cause such an effect. This is how in a statement co-author Amber Pearson study explains this phenomenon: "Sea areas are not subjected to significant change, while in the forest areas have playgrounds and other facilities built by man. If they were virgin forests, we might get a different result. »
Scientists plan to continue to study other places where there are large bodies of water - for example, such as the Great Lakes. They hope that a deep understanding of the environment and its impact on our health will help us to correctly build their lives.
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/okazyvaetsya-zhizn-u-morya-mozhet-uluchshit-psihicheskoe-zdorove-1286665/

Startwish.ruOkazyvaetsya, a beneficial effect is not due to the proximity to nature as a whole, namely the proximity to the ocean. Accommodation near a park or forest does not cause such an effect. This is how in a statement co-author Amber Pearson study explains this phenomenon: "Sea areas are not subjected to significant change, while in the forest areas have playgrounds and other facilities built by man. If they were virgin forests, we might get a different result. »
Scientists plan to continue to study other places where there are large bodies of water - for example, such as the Great Lakes. They hope that a deep understanding of the environment and its impact on our health will help us to correctly build their lives.
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/okazyvaetsya-zhizn-u-morya-mozhet-uluchshit-psihicheskoe-zdorove-1286665/
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