Magic usually two minutes! So what is the secret of success ...
Are you familiar with the situation, when accumulated a lot of cases, and their desire to immediately perform not at all? "Then do it" - that's the main savior in this situation. If you recognize yourself, then for you to visit bestowed procrastination - that is banal postponing work until later
! Just do not confuse it with the usual laziness. < Len - this is when you just do not want to do anything and do not even worry about it. In the case of procrastination you realize the importance of the case, but not in a hurry to implement it, because there is no mood, on the wrong foot stood, not the star or planet did not agree ...
As a result of constant procrastination deteriorating health, decreases the level of vital energy, the person becomes irritable and very nervous. With that it's time to fight! Fortunately, there is a very simple way, how to overcome procrastination
On this technique wrote David Allen in his book "How to put things in order. The Art of stress-free productivity. " Also promotes a similar strategy to help complete the case to the end and at the same time to develop good habits , businessman, sportsman and a photographer-explorer James Clear. These people are skilfully practiced "Rule two minutes", but now the turn and up to you!
The essence of the rule is simple: a lot of jobs that we procrastinate, very easy to do at the moment. You just need time, and it is very short - only two minutes. So do the work!
Rule two minut
If the task takes less than two minutes, decide it now
In fact, a lot of things can be done immediately. Wipe off dust, water the pots, to congratulate a friend on his birthday - why such small task to procrastinate? Then there is no time ... If the case can be handled in two minutes or less, then act now! If longer -. At least made to the list of things you can do later All new initiatives should not take more than two minutes
If you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes. No, we are not talking about how to achieve the goal in such a short time! But two minutes would be sufficient simply to take action. New habits are hard to work out right. Two minutes to start, then a little more - and gradually you acquire the desired skills
A two-minute start for the big goal
. On the same lines, the rule when it comes to new challenges. Of course, for 120 seconds, you do not implement them at once, but laid the foundation for action. It will take two minutes - and you do not even notice how was involved in a new business! Such a small start will help you to continue to move to the goal
Do not think "Rule two minutes," the solution to all problems - it's just a convenient method which will help you to simplify the workday. Applying the rule, in practice, you will more than keep up. What can we say about increasing your personal performance !
I noticed that some of your friends in no hurry to to carry out the planned business , - so share with them this advice. Just as the rule, do it in two minutes!
! Just do not confuse it with the usual laziness. < Len - this is when you just do not want to do anything and do not even worry about it. In the case of procrastination you realize the importance of the case, but not in a hurry to implement it, because there is no mood, on the wrong foot stood, not the star or planet did not agree ...
As a result of constant procrastination deteriorating health, decreases the level of vital energy, the person becomes irritable and very nervous. With that it's time to fight! Fortunately, there is a very simple way, how to overcome procrastination
On this technique wrote David Allen in his book "How to put things in order. The Art of stress-free productivity. " Also promotes a similar strategy to help complete the case to the end and at the same time to develop good habits , businessman, sportsman and a photographer-explorer James Clear. These people are skilfully practiced "Rule two minutes", but now the turn and up to you!
The essence of the rule is simple: a lot of jobs that we procrastinate, very easy to do at the moment. You just need time, and it is very short - only two minutes. So do the work!
Rule two minut

If the task takes less than two minutes, decide it now
In fact, a lot of things can be done immediately. Wipe off dust, water the pots, to congratulate a friend on his birthday - why such small task to procrastinate? Then there is no time ... If the case can be handled in two minutes or less, then act now! If longer -. At least made to the list of things you can do later All new initiatives should not take more than two minutes
If you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes. No, we are not talking about how to achieve the goal in such a short time! But two minutes would be sufficient simply to take action. New habits are hard to work out right. Two minutes to start, then a little more - and gradually you acquire the desired skills
A two-minute start for the big goal
. On the same lines, the rule when it comes to new challenges. Of course, for 120 seconds, you do not implement them at once, but laid the foundation for action. It will take two minutes - and you do not even notice how was involved in a new business! Such a small start will help you to continue to move to the goal
Do not think "Rule two minutes," the solution to all problems - it's just a convenient method which will help you to simplify the workday. Applying the rule, in practice, you will more than keep up. What can we say about increasing your personal performance !
I noticed that some of your friends in no hurry to to carry out the planned business , - so share with them this advice. Just as the rule, do it in two minutes!
What do the Archers: the innermost secrets of people for whom there are no barriers!
The doctor has advised to wear wet socks before going to bed. After learning the reason you want to do the same!