That's what happens when you drop the beaten egg whites into the boiling milk! Perfect dessert ...
This amazing dish should be served cold! The recipe can be attributed to children's kitchen: it turns out delicate sweet creamy. But I am sure that the air dessert "Snowballs» please even the most discerning palates ...
You can use a little trick: to freeze egg yolks before cooking it is a miracle. Thanks to freeze egg yolks become interesting quality: getting outside more elastic, in this case - cream inside. Getting cooking without delay!
dessert yaitsIngredienty 3 eggs a pinch of salt 20 g of powdered sugar 150 ml of milk 150 ml cream 40 g sugar a pinch of vanilla
Preparation Vzbey egg whites with a pinch of salt, gradually introduce powdered sugar. Whisking whites until thick. Milk mixed with cream, sugar and vanilla, boil. Carefully pick up the tablespoon whipped in a protein foam and lower it into the boiling milk mixture. Vary proteins on each side for 2 minutes, gently turning the dumplings with a fork.
Cooked in milk proteins take out of milk and passed on to a screen. Let the mixture cool to breast 60 degrees. Rub the cream into the egg yolks, pour a thin stream into them warm milk mixture, without ceasing to stir everything. Warm the mixture on a very low heat so that it thickens.
Rift cream in bowls or cups low, let it cool. Top with chilled "Snowballs". Dessert can sprinkle with cocoa, cinnamon, can be served with condensed milk, berry jam, syrup or any topping!
I like to sprinkle the dessert chopped walnuts: the taste is not to describe in words ... If you are interested in an unusual recipe for milk dessert of eggs and sugar , certainly Demonstrate his friends! They, too, will be captivated.
You can use a little trick: to freeze egg yolks before cooking it is a miracle. Thanks to freeze egg yolks become interesting quality: getting outside more elastic, in this case - cream inside. Getting cooking without delay!

dessert yaitsIngredienty 3 eggs a pinch of salt 20 g of powdered sugar 150 ml of milk 150 ml cream 40 g sugar a pinch of vanilla
Preparation Vzbey egg whites with a pinch of salt, gradually introduce powdered sugar. Whisking whites until thick. Milk mixed with cream, sugar and vanilla, boil. Carefully pick up the tablespoon whipped in a protein foam and lower it into the boiling milk mixture. Vary proteins on each side for 2 minutes, gently turning the dumplings with a fork.

Cooked in milk proteins take out of milk and passed on to a screen. Let the mixture cool to breast 60 degrees. Rub the cream into the egg yolks, pour a thin stream into them warm milk mixture, without ceasing to stir everything. Warm the mixture on a very low heat so that it thickens.

Rift cream in bowls or cups low, let it cool. Top with chilled "Snowballs". Dessert can sprinkle with cocoa, cinnamon, can be served with condensed milk, berry jam, syrup or any topping!

I like to sprinkle the dessert chopped walnuts: the taste is not to describe in words ... If you are interested in an unusual recipe for milk dessert of eggs and sugar , certainly Demonstrate his friends! They, too, will be captivated.
So what does this button on your keyboard! To know before ...
He took a pair of scissors to make it bang ... After 1 minute I realized that he planned!