They scored a couple of dozen nails into the boards ... Now I want to do the same!
Ease yarn and severity of nails - these materials, it would seem, it is not combined with each other! Discovering new hendmeyda technique, I fell in love with her without memory ... String art - is the name of my passion
. Surely all ever tried to do crafts with the help of thread. I remember in school we pasted simple risunochki of threads on cardboard and wrapped thread ever any bottle. So, this is nothing compared to the brilliant idea of creating paintings using studs and thread!
String-artKorotenkoe video will show you how to create a work in the style of string art! The miracle, a real miracle ...
It looks fascinating! Of course, this art requires care, usidichivosti and laborious calculations, but there is a plus. Engage in this hobby can even a person absolutely does not know how to draw!
Hammer, nails, plywood, thread, paint, drawing a pattern on paper or graph paper, sandpaper. Here are all the tools needed to create a chic creations!
The cost of materials - very small, but it turns out the original work, pleasing the eye ...
String-art picture are becoming the new trend, and I want to decorate your home with this thing! Good thing to learn this tricky case is not so difficult.
It is proved that needlework soothing effect on the brain and prevents the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease. Another undeniable plus! If you are fascinated by this kind of creativity, show an interesting idea to your friends.
. Surely all ever tried to do crafts with the help of thread. I remember in school we pasted simple risunochki of threads on cardboard and wrapped thread ever any bottle. So, this is nothing compared to the brilliant idea of creating paintings using studs and thread!

String-artKorotenkoe video will show you how to create a work in the style of string art! The miracle, a real miracle ...
It looks fascinating! Of course, this art requires care, usidichivosti and laborious calculations, but there is a plus. Engage in this hobby can even a person absolutely does not know how to draw!

Hammer, nails, plywood, thread, paint, drawing a pattern on paper or graph paper, sandpaper. Here are all the tools needed to create a chic creations!

The cost of materials - very small, but it turns out the original work, pleasing the eye ...

String-art picture are becoming the new trend, and I want to decorate your home with this thing! Good thing to learn this tricky case is not so difficult.

It is proved that needlework soothing effect on the brain and prevents the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease. Another undeniable plus! If you are fascinated by this kind of creativity, show an interesting idea to your friends.
Finally, the old lady's dream filled with 15 instruments capable of the unexpected!
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