Just 3 drops of this remedy, dripped into the ear, give an incredible effect!
It is believed that a person's ears - a self-cleaning organ. During chewing, sneezing and coughing earwax is displayed outside.
But sometimes it happens that sulfur accumulates in the ear canal, turning into a traffic jam. In such cases it is necessary to carry out ear wash procedure.
The most simple and affordable tool for washing the ears and removing ear plugs - a solution of hydrogen peroxide. It can and should be applied immediately after an uncomfortable feeling of fullness.
How to wash the ear For the procedure to be mixed at a ratio of 1: 1 with distilled water and of 3% hydrogen peroxide When the pipette aid, dial a small amount of solution. If there is no pipette can moisten a cotton swab in the liquid. Tilt the head so that the ear was parallel to the shoulder, and drip it means 3 drops. Hold your head as about 5 minutes, you will feel the characteristic hiss. This is a sign that the sulfur entered the reaction with peroxide.
Tilt your head to the opposite side to excess fluid drained out, then wipe the ear tissue. Cotton swab use is not recommended during treatment. Repeat all the steps for the second ear.
Usually hydrogen peroxide is good at cerumen
Health to you! Do not forget about this method to tell your friends.
But sometimes it happens that sulfur accumulates in the ear canal, turning into a traffic jam. In such cases it is necessary to carry out ear wash procedure.
The most simple and affordable tool for washing the ears and removing ear plugs - a solution of hydrogen peroxide. It can and should be applied immediately after an uncomfortable feeling of fullness.
How to wash the ear For the procedure to be mixed at a ratio of 1: 1 with distilled water and of 3% hydrogen peroxide When the pipette aid, dial a small amount of solution. If there is no pipette can moisten a cotton swab in the liquid. Tilt the head so that the ear was parallel to the shoulder, and drip it means 3 drops. Hold your head as about 5 minutes, you will feel the characteristic hiss. This is a sign that the sulfur entered the reaction with peroxide.
Tilt your head to the opposite side to excess fluid drained out, then wipe the ear tissue. Cotton swab use is not recommended during treatment. Repeat all the steps for the second ear.
Usually hydrogen peroxide is good at cerumen
Health to you! Do not forget about this method to tell your friends.
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