I was able to lower cholesterol and blood sugar! All thanks to this product ...
The usefulness of this "solar berries" are legendary. Because it contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, which are perfectly absorbed by the body. Pumpkin is perfectly retains its properties even if it is stored for a long time at room temperature. This fruit is very useful not only raw, but boiled. From pumpkin obtained delicious porridge, soups, cakes, jams and juices.
But few know that pumpkin is an excellent tool to combat increased level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. Today «Website» to share with you a wonderful recipe drink pumpkin , which will help to cope with these problems.
How to lower cholesterol at home usloviyahIngredienty 100 g fresh pumpkin 0, 5, Art. clean water
Preparation Clear the pumpkin from the peel and we shall cut it into small pieces. Put them in a blender, add water and vzbey until smooth.
Drink this drink should be 250 g per day on an empty stomach half an hour before a meal. Pumpkin Drink water you need each day for a month. Within 30 days you will notice the result! Scientists have proved that the whole complex of vitamins in pumpkin slow down the aging process and helps maintain normal activity.
In order to not only lower cholesterol, but also to lose weight, take advantage of this vitamin diet! Share this healing drink recipe from the pumpkin with your friends, they will be grateful.
But few know that pumpkin is an excellent tool to combat increased level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. Today «Website» to share with you a wonderful recipe drink pumpkin , which will help to cope with these problems.
How to lower cholesterol at home usloviyahIngredienty 100 g fresh pumpkin 0, 5, Art. clean water
Preparation Clear the pumpkin from the peel and we shall cut it into small pieces. Put them in a blender, add water and vzbey until smooth.
Drink this drink should be 250 g per day on an empty stomach half an hour before a meal. Pumpkin Drink water you need each day for a month. Within 30 days you will notice the result! Scientists have proved that the whole complex of vitamins in pumpkin slow down the aging process and helps maintain normal activity.
In order to not only lower cholesterol, but also to lose weight, take advantage of this vitamin diet! Share this healing drink recipe from the pumpkin with your friends, they will be grateful.
Total 1 cup of this drink before breakfast helps with kidney disease, asthma and diabetes!
This trick can save you a large sum of money! I do not think that I will ...