It is unlikely that you risknesh do this makeup! This is so that the stars look gorgeous ...
Makeup Stars - a topic of concern to many women. How do celebrities always manage to look perfect? For the appearance of the famous people meet their stylists, true professionals. Well, some of them do not skimp and share techniques for stunning makeup! It's much easier than you thought ...
Makeup Stars
Makeup Stars
- The main point in the make-up - to identify the facial contour and highlight cheekbones. Bronzer be applied to hair line and under the chin, on the cheeks and nose, and a side surface. This face will look thinner!
A person should not be completely opaque, because it looks very unnatural! Be sure to combine the makeup as a powder, and highlighter. It will revitalize your skin! Highlighter need to impose vertically. Start with the middle of the forehead, add a little gloss on the nose, the upper corners of the mouth under the nose and on the chin midway. Ideally! Pumps bright lipstick in two layers. The first layer - the thin, then powder brush lips through the thin cloth. After that, apply a second coat of lipstick. Lips will look perfect for a long time, nothing is smeared!
Warm up the hairdryer tweezers for eyelash curler before the procedure - the effect is delightful! Do not forget about natural products for beauty: coconut oil and avocado oil can do wonders to your skin and hair! Kim Kardashian recommends the use of these funds to all who care about their beauty and think about the future: this product is exactly prolong youthfulness of the skin ...
stars and up after make-up - totally different people ... Tell us in the comments what proprietary techniques for a perfect make-up you use you will be very interesting to find out
She is 80, but you will not find a single gray hair on her head. The secret - in this drink!
She took a bath and added with 500 ml of apple cider vinegar. After 30 minutes, it did not know the skin!