Can your child be a maddening vkontaktikom?
Whales swim up ... and then down and perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the earth ...
Can your child be a maddening vkontaktikom? Yes.
If he was alone with them, no one speaks without manipulation if he is afraid to tell you about what was happening to him, if the family has a chronic scandal and alienation, if he is in a strong shame or anxiety for exams when his classmates or teachers at him under pressure, if your parents or partner, it is pressed or offended if a neighbor child to extort money or threatened with rape if he had experienced sexual abuse or incest, if your child is using drugs, or did something else, which is ashamed.
Whales swim up ...
Also in this state it can cause to kill himself songs Egor Letov or Nautilus, Dostoevsky's book, the history of the Romanov family and the cartoon Sponge Bob.
A huge number of children in Russia is in high school, in a situation of high stress - Deposit Er, admission to higher education, problems in the family, a difficult relationship with his classmates, the total congestion, both emotional and physical
. At the time, I led a group of very, very nice young people from wealthy families. Despite the fact that their mothers and fathers were loving and caring, these children for months no one to talk to - there is no culture of dialogue parent with a teenager. Parents and teachers, trainers and tutors talk about the case.
And those still adolescents themselves interlocutors.
Therefore, even the most well-off children from the wealthiest families feel tired and lonely.
So that - IMHO - even if there is a terrible secret conspiratorial satanic organization - the problem of suicide is not in it. Or not only there, but preventing Internet addiction has not been canceled.
And if you think that your child has no reason for suicide, because you gave him everything - go to any graduating class fizmatgimnazii preparing for the Moscow State University and Oxford for a week. Look at the amount of load.
And about safely - if one of my suicide attempts in the school failed, all would be very surprised - from a good family, medal, all the photographs are all happy, a private bathroom and a bunch nishtyakov
. Meanwhile, however, the age of 12-14 - one of the worst episodes of my life. Alas ...
Just be fooled and talk about nonsense with your child often, themselves invent conspiracy games, simpler attitude to his estimates, and with respect for his love (well, and yes - if it is greater than 10 - most likely, he is in love, most likely - unsuccessfully, so do not He wants to talk about it), and other experiences.
And this is a good prevention.
Author: Adrian Imzh
Can your child be a maddening vkontaktikom? Yes.
If he was alone with them, no one speaks without manipulation if he is afraid to tell you about what was happening to him, if the family has a chronic scandal and alienation, if he is in a strong shame or anxiety for exams when his classmates or teachers at him under pressure, if your parents or partner, it is pressed or offended if a neighbor child to extort money or threatened with rape if he had experienced sexual abuse or incest, if your child is using drugs, or did something else, which is ashamed.

Whales swim up ...
Also in this state it can cause to kill himself songs Egor Letov or Nautilus, Dostoevsky's book, the history of the Romanov family and the cartoon Sponge Bob.
A huge number of children in Russia is in high school, in a situation of high stress - Deposit Er, admission to higher education, problems in the family, a difficult relationship with his classmates, the total congestion, both emotional and physical
. At the time, I led a group of very, very nice young people from wealthy families. Despite the fact that their mothers and fathers were loving and caring, these children for months no one to talk to - there is no culture of dialogue parent with a teenager. Parents and teachers, trainers and tutors talk about the case.
And those still adolescents themselves interlocutors.
Therefore, even the most well-off children from the wealthiest families feel tired and lonely.
So that - IMHO - even if there is a terrible secret conspiratorial satanic organization - the problem of suicide is not in it. Or not only there, but preventing Internet addiction has not been canceled.
And if you think that your child has no reason for suicide, because you gave him everything - go to any graduating class fizmatgimnazii preparing for the Moscow State University and Oxford for a week. Look at the amount of load.
And about safely - if one of my suicide attempts in the school failed, all would be very surprised - from a good family, medal, all the photographs are all happy, a private bathroom and a bunch nishtyakov
. Meanwhile, however, the age of 12-14 - one of the worst episodes of my life. Alas ...
Just be fooled and talk about nonsense with your child often, themselves invent conspiracy games, simpler attitude to his estimates, and with respect for his love (well, and yes - if it is greater than 10 - most likely, he is in love, most likely - unsuccessfully, so do not He wants to talk about it), and other experiences.
And this is a good prevention.
Author: Adrian Imzh
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