23 resource with exciting audio books for those who are learning English

Audiobooks - an excellent way to learn to understand the English language at the hearing, expand vocabulary and feel the melody of the language. And, of course, at the same time enjoy the very same book, which was never enough time.
Website I have found as many as 23 site, where you can freely download audio books in English on your own taste.
Serious books Loyal Books - Online, you can download more than 7,000 audio books, mostly classic novels, but there are also tales and adventures. All books are found in the public domain and are completely free.
Lit2Go - a huge library of audio books from one of the centers of Florida study. It is mostly collected books for children and adolescents, so that newcomers to the site will find a lot of useful information. And for those who are already more fluent in the language, there are, for example, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes».
LibriVox - native speakers on a voluntary basis and recite a book spread on the site. The sound quality is good, diction reciters too.
Free Classic AudioBooks - a collection of classics and biographies. Books are usually serious and complex, suitable for students who are already fluent in English.
Podiobooks - modern books, often well-read by the authors themselves.
New Fiction - books by contemporary American authors in good nachitka. Especially useful for those who want to learn colloquial American English.
Thought Audio - works that the whole world will recognize the great, classics and philosophy. Books for complex sound, and for understanding the whole. But worth it.
Literalsystems - a small resource, where volunteers spread on their own well-read book. So far, the book quite a bit, but the repertoire is both recognized classics such as Charles Dickens and modern famous authors like Cory Doctorow.
Wired for Books - a large collection of audio books and Audio for children and adults
. BookRix - a collection of audio books of different genres, from classical to Pulp Fiction. For beginners it is recommended to pay attention to books for young people (Young Adult): they are very easy to understand.
tales and children's books World of Tales - an excellent collection of fairy tales and legends from all corners of the Earth: the tale of the African peoples, legends of American Indians and more. There are stories of famous storytellers:. Charles Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen
Storynory - short audio fairy, most of which are clear to those who have just started to learn the language.
Kiddie Records Weekly - children's audio books and songs of the last century, along with a colorful books. You can both listen to and watch the pictures.
Robert Munsch Site - recites his books and places within easy access children's author Robert Munch. And he reads very emotional, to hear them! The texts are attached.
Alvie, the Little Brown Burro - a series of his short stories about the adventures of a donkey Elvi for the little ones. But the suit and adults who just started to learn the language, to master the simple, but the right words and to "feel" the basic grammar.
Audio Stories 4 Kids - more than 200 short-Audio History for children. On the site you can also download the texts and coloring books
Podcasts not only Podcasts in English -. A collection of short podcasts on a variety of topics, from the household to the most unexpected. Podcasts are composed and laid out in free access to professional teachers. Each audiouroku attached text, glossary and questions to consolidate the material.
Learn English - podcasts from the British consulate on everyday topics for beginners. Once the site has good lessons on grammar.
LinkEngPark - short audio and video lessons Conversational and Business English, as well as from the BBC lessons for vocabulary. The resource will be useful to students of all levels.
Learn Out Loud - a collection of different audio books, podcasts and video to learn the language
. ESL - another collection of podcasts on various useful topics: how to call technical support, how to order in a cafe, discussing the merits of the museum with a guide. You can also listen to the arguments of modern ecology, economics and other sciences. Almost all podcasts will be understandable for beginners.
PodCastle - resource for fantasy lovers. Each week, the site puts a free story in this genre. By the way, you also can try to recite the story in English, and moderation after it appears on the site.
Cthulhu - podcast for fans of horror: you can download and listen to the stories of HP Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe and other masters of the genre. Nachitka very good.
Preview: Victor Senin specifically for the Website
via cthulhupodcast.blogspot.ru/
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