Erase the wrinkles from the face! Prepare natural biostimulant
Very effective is biostimulirovanny aloe juice. Regenerates and promotes the formation of new cells. Beauty and youth all!
Take: Aloe leaves not less than 3 years
How to prepare: Two weeks flower is not watered. Then cut off at the root, wrapped in dark paper and store 2 weeks in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
In such unfavorable conditions the plant when it begins to fade all the vital processes in the cells of the aloe the formation of special substances, called biogenic stimulants. They excite the fading vital functions of cells.
After a wash with boiled water and mince. Push-ups through cheesecloth and use as directed.
As it turns out a lot of juice most of can be frozen and stored in the freezer.
Use as needed for therapeutic purposes or for beauty.
How to use: wipe the face with ice (removes fine wrinkles)
1 die, mix with 1 egg yolk and 1 tsp and honey on the face;
1 die, mix with 1 tsp olive oil (in winter);
1 die, mix with milk powder (if heavily diluted ordinary milk);
Dissolve the aloe juice with alcohol 1: 4, and wipe your face (have oily skin)
. Biostimulirovanny juice is rich in enzymes. Drugs derived from it, getting into the human body to stimulate the patient's body cells.
can be prepared bracing blend of aloe juice (better biostimulirovannogo), which take:
100g juice,
500 g walnut kernels,
300g honey,
juice of 3-4 lemons.
Take teaspoon (or dessert) spoon 3 times a day 30 min before meal.
Note: Aloe can give allergy, it is recommended to test.
Take: Aloe leaves not less than 3 years
How to prepare: Two weeks flower is not watered. Then cut off at the root, wrapped in dark paper and store 2 weeks in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
In such unfavorable conditions the plant when it begins to fade all the vital processes in the cells of the aloe the formation of special substances, called biogenic stimulants. They excite the fading vital functions of cells.

After a wash with boiled water and mince. Push-ups through cheesecloth and use as directed.
As it turns out a lot of juice most of can be frozen and stored in the freezer.
Use as needed for therapeutic purposes or for beauty.
How to use: wipe the face with ice (removes fine wrinkles)
1 die, mix with 1 egg yolk and 1 tsp and honey on the face;
1 die, mix with 1 tsp olive oil (in winter);
1 die, mix with milk powder (if heavily diluted ordinary milk);
Dissolve the aloe juice with alcohol 1: 4, and wipe your face (have oily skin)
. Biostimulirovanny juice is rich in enzymes. Drugs derived from it, getting into the human body to stimulate the patient's body cells.

can be prepared bracing blend of aloe juice (better biostimulirovannogo), which take:
100g juice,
500 g walnut kernels,
300g honey,
juice of 3-4 lemons.
Take teaspoon (or dessert) spoon 3 times a day 30 min before meal.
Note: Aloe can give allergy, it is recommended to test.
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