7 tips on how to train yourself to the gym, on the Experienced
"Tomorrow, tomorrow I'll start" - you are repeating itself like a mantra, but it's not enough time, and that's just the legs do not go to the gym and everything! What's the matter? Where to get motivated? How, finally, tune in to work in the gym and start training? < Website publishes useful tips from the blog Fitness Plus.
Check your future training dates on the calendar, set the mark visually easier to perceive the information will always be seen that, for example, on Monday morning, you have an important event, it is impossible to miss. Distribute the calendar training days and rest days during the week. It really works, so you can see the big picture, your work schedule, there is a place where the gym!
< You can not miss workouts. Keep in mind, if you're somewhere and stayed late in the gym, even 20 minutes to run to the gym is not just good, but effective. After all, there are different training methods, in 15 minutes to drive themselves so that the legs will be cotton. For example, there are circular training, this method is used by many athletes on mission. That is, 20 minutes - sometimes more effective than 40 minutes. Just remember this!
< Collect training uniform right now. Always wear a form of suicide, even if you are traveling in the morning the kids to school, you will remember that you have important work ahead, to which you are mentally prepared. In this case, you are serious and will be hard to miss a workout.
< Enclose with a deal, if you still resist, and too lazy to exercise. Tell yourself: "I'll go for 10 minutes, something more abruptly, a look at the other and go home." Believe me, when you get into the working atmosphere, the body "require" activity. Tested to work. 10 minutes and no more!
The next point is very important - make a plan of your actions, fix achievements, it should be simple: "... on Monday I trained legs, squat with a weight of 10 kg. 15 times "or" ... today the second week and my waist has decreased by 1 cm. ". Energy is in full swing when, in retrospect, you can see their achievements. This motivates more than anything!
Finally, Be honest with yourself: for which you train? If, in order to look good in their underwear - this motivation quickly end. Maybe you do not want your children to see, as you age? This is better, but it's still not enough.
Lay on the shelves:
Why do I go to the gym? In order to look good. What do I look good? In order to feel confident. Why do I feel confident? So I'm an example for their children and others. Why should I be a model? In order that only by example can show the children that result is achieved by hard work and nothing else. The children, in turn, will grow strong and purposeful. difference in these responses? That's right, I wanted to run to the gym now!
< Stay in shape. Many people can not fully move, face every day to face a huge problem for them movement, making titanic efforts to perform simple daily functions, for which the common man does not even pay attention. The ability to move freely - this is our gift, do not waste your gift is in vain. We need to develop their physical abilities and cares for your body.
The time will come and you will find yourself in a situation where you are required endurance and physical strength. You'll thank yourself for the time spent in the gym. You are in great shape and have prepared themselves to everyday challenges. As stated in a Japanese wisdom: "Even if the sword will need once in a lifetime, you should always wear it»
. via fitnessplus.com.ua/motivaciya/7-prostyx-sovetov-kak-priuchit-sebya-k-trenazhernomu-zalu.html

Check your future training dates on the calendar, set the mark visually easier to perceive the information will always be seen that, for example, on Monday morning, you have an important event, it is impossible to miss. Distribute the calendar training days and rest days during the week. It really works, so you can see the big picture, your work schedule, there is a place where the gym!
< You can not miss workouts. Keep in mind, if you're somewhere and stayed late in the gym, even 20 minutes to run to the gym is not just good, but effective. After all, there are different training methods, in 15 minutes to drive themselves so that the legs will be cotton. For example, there are circular training, this method is used by many athletes on mission. That is, 20 minutes - sometimes more effective than 40 minutes. Just remember this!
< Collect training uniform right now. Always wear a form of suicide, even if you are traveling in the morning the kids to school, you will remember that you have important work ahead, to which you are mentally prepared. In this case, you are serious and will be hard to miss a workout.
< Enclose with a deal, if you still resist, and too lazy to exercise. Tell yourself: "I'll go for 10 minutes, something more abruptly, a look at the other and go home." Believe me, when you get into the working atmosphere, the body "require" activity. Tested to work. 10 minutes and no more!
The next point is very important - make a plan of your actions, fix achievements, it should be simple: "... on Monday I trained legs, squat with a weight of 10 kg. 15 times "or" ... today the second week and my waist has decreased by 1 cm. ". Energy is in full swing when, in retrospect, you can see their achievements. This motivates more than anything!
Finally, Be honest with yourself: for which you train? If, in order to look good in their underwear - this motivation quickly end. Maybe you do not want your children to see, as you age? This is better, but it's still not enough.
Lay on the shelves:
Why do I go to the gym? In order to look good. What do I look good? In order to feel confident. Why do I feel confident? So I'm an example for their children and others. Why should I be a model? In order that only by example can show the children that result is achieved by hard work and nothing else. The children, in turn, will grow strong and purposeful. difference in these responses? That's right, I wanted to run to the gym now!
< Stay in shape. Many people can not fully move, face every day to face a huge problem for them movement, making titanic efforts to perform simple daily functions, for which the common man does not even pay attention. The ability to move freely - this is our gift, do not waste your gift is in vain. We need to develop their physical abilities and cares for your body.
The time will come and you will find yourself in a situation where you are required endurance and physical strength. You'll thank yourself for the time spent in the gym. You are in great shape and have prepared themselves to everyday challenges. As stated in a Japanese wisdom: "Even if the sword will need once in a lifetime, you should always wear it»
. via fitnessplus.com.ua/motivaciya/7-prostyx-sovetov-kak-priuchit-sebya-k-trenazhernomu-zalu.html
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