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How to get the woman of his respect for the golden rules of -13

Love even the best girl will sooner or later get tired of the world. I want bolshego- respect. Women's respect and bored soon, and is inexpensive.
1. Do not shout

Raise the voice to opponents even know how newborn kittens, so the ability to produce loud noises in the moments of excitement does not give you the weight. Creek representatives of our species is used to: a) to call to his aid the other members of the pack; b) put himself in a rather excited state, ready to repulse the enemy; c) to scare the enemy.

So cry - a sign of weakness, a sign that you almost lose control of the situation, which has already attracted to and past reserves

. Children cry more often than women, women cry more often than men. Very strong men do not raise your voice. Because they do not need.

2. Do not be petty

It is not just about the scandals with the waiters, holding 49 rubles change. The pettiness - a willingness to attack the heavy guns on the most trifling occasion. The man who so foolishly wasting their time, effort and energy, women suspected (often rightly) that on the larger goal to wipe it slightly.

3. envy correctly

Envy - a great tool, forcing us to compete with each other and, consequently, to push the wheel of world progress. Unfortunately, some people envy makes not run faster than a neighbor, and look for ways to make the neighbor stopped running so fast (and preferably all). Such envy almost openly seen in phrases such as "He, like all Jews, cunning" or "you can not make money on such a machine, only if to steal." Similar phrases are always to our interlocutors inaudible continued: "And I - stupid and supine" or "At least, if you work the way I work»

. Envy someone out loud - all the same that the sign in worthlessness, as you confess so that: a) wants something that is at an opponent; b) is not able to achieve its goal. Respect for women envious not cause. Do not women, however, too.

4. Do not rush to condemn anybody

Eastern wisdom says that the enemy should be selected more carefully than others. The man who easily hangs on others shortcuts "goat", "idiot", "bastard" and so on, causing the ladies fair suspicion that fight really it no one is ready, but his anger and contempt mean nothing .

5. Acknowledge others' rightness

It is very difficult to admit that you were wrong. Weak people never do. Even when they asked the forehead: "Well, now, then you admit that he was wrong?" - They are, at best, laugh and change the subject, or start looking ridiculous excuses that, in turn, causes the interlocutors irritation and disdain for them attitude. Have strong people their self-esteem is not a huge margin from the scanty recognition of the fact that somewhere they were wrong. For this reason, they do not have such problems.

6. sorry himself silently

There are times when you simply need to resort to such drastic means as close sympathy. But normal close and so will understand, when you need it. Especially women, usually so generous to this feeling. It is not necessary to stimulate the female sorry tearful stories about how you do not love, do not appreciate being bullied. Yes, and bitten by mosquitoes! Before blood !!!

You can have compassion and respect for human at the same time, but not when it demands to console themselves for nothing.
7. Be able to do something really cool

Cool, of course, be a great cellist, a surgeon or a mathematician, but the ability to, say, brilliantly cut into thin slices sausage, brilliant whistle two fingers or shuffle the cards the croupier is not worse than the present, too, does not hurt. Respect for the professionalism in the development of women even more than men.

8. Do not be silent, when she does bad things

What is good and what is bad, we are so strongly absorbed in the childhood that, even if the experience is making significant adjustments to the "little ashamed to offend", and so on. E., We still always know the true value of our actions. So if you become indifferent to remain silent in the moment when your girlfriend will be fun to tell you how they are all brand new department for poison spooky nail design or she did not return the money cheated cashier, your silence will be interpreted as complicity in this escapade. And so, deep down, it would take you heartless swindler, because the other person to us much easier to condemn than himself. We urge you not to utter fiery speech reform measures - will be enough if you just say that you do not like it all, because to do so badly. Even if it is now inflates on a special shelf she postponed the idea that you are a decent and honorable man.

9. Do not lisp

Pretty cooing between lovers can take many forms. Very often our view of practicing the so-called ritual "marriage feeding" when one of the partners simulates the behavior of a baby, and a second - parent. The presence of such a ritual in our program due to all sorts of sexual important ethological reasons, but we would recommend you to remove it from their menu. All these "Pusic want gusika" and "Kissikov will kushanki and spatki" pronounced squeaky voice, quite appropriate in the ladies' repertoire. But when they are used by a man, he makes love with his female tide of maternal feelings, which are beautiful and all that, but, alas, have very little to do with respect. From the bed you have ever still get up and spank you wish to check the purity of your ears at the girl could stay forever.

10. Do not humiliate her

It is a frequent response to the swearing in all languages ​​of the world - "himself like that!". That is the person defined as, for example, aphids marsh, does not seek to immediately prove his opponent not to belong to the superfamily of aphids.

No, he usually responds, indicating that it hears from the same aphids, gnats from mokrostupchatoy, senseless fungus. This is a normal protective reaction. As in a real fight falling fighter trying not so much to get to his feet, much to pull of an opponent on the floor and in the verbal battle humiliated seeks out loud or silently to carry along and offender. The more you despise it, the lower fall in her eyes, even if you're always right about everything, and she - not. Her subconscious mind will try to protect the self-esteem hostess, relegating you to the microscopic level of nastiness, whose ratings can skip past the ears because of their insignificance. Condemns, if need be, not herself, but her actions from them that it can ignore and accept your criticism is reasonable

. 11. Do not tell her about my life ...

... Rich experience in the principle, usually it does not harm a man in women's eyes. But only on one condition: you have about him does not apply. The ability to keep secret what's going on in the bedroom, makes women the respect and your stealth intrigue, but not hurt her in this matter. In addition, the ability to control their desires and not too go on about procreation women also feel worthy of reverence male property. So the image of Lovelace-athlete rather disappoint them, so beloved novelist than the image of "a lot of the surviving human».

12. Come to help her without her requests

Asking for help itself is to our subconscious pay for this assistance. Therefore, unexpected help is perceived internally with much more appreciation, even if it is a perfect trifle like changing light bulbs or fastening the zipper on the back.

13. Respect yourself

It is very difficult to respect someone who does not respect himself. Such people very much: they love themselves, cherish, regret - that anything but respect. So they know for sure: nothing to

. By the way, to respect themselves - not to talk about himself in the third person with respectful aspirated. To respect yourself enough to observe only two rules:
a) does not make behavior that you yourself are estimated as dishonest even if tutte and it is convenient, safe and pleasant;
b) If you know what to do will be right - do it, even if you do not want and still no one will appreciate.