9 ways to make drinking water and tastier

All we know about the many positive effects from drinking water in sufficient quantities. But many are probably faced with the fact that constantly drink it in the usual form is not so fun and easy.
< Website offers you an easy way to diversify the taste of drinking water, so that it brings not only . benefits but also the pleasure
cooking scheme in all cases is simple: chop ingredients, crush them, went to the juice, add water and remove to cool in the refrigerator. The calculation is about 1 liter of water. The number of ingredients can vary depending on your taste preferences.
Lemon and strawberry

Cut slices of half a lemon, add a cup of sliced strawberries. We crush all the ingredients to let the juice. Add a sprig of rosemary (optional), pour the water.
Orange, lime, lemon

Fold in the bowl sliced orange, lime and lemon. To start up the juice, add the mint and water.
Mint and pineapple

Diced pineapple, need only one glass. Crush cloves, add a sprig of mint and fill with water.
Raspberry and lime

1 lime cut into wedges or circles, add half a cup of raspberries in a bowl. Fill with water.
Blackberry and sage

Take a handful of blackberries, a couple of sage leaves, a little crush the ingredients and add water.
Orange, ginger, pineapple

We need half a lemon, half a cup of diced pineapple, 1 tablespoon grated ginger. Laying the ingredients in a bowl, crush and add water.
Watermelon and rosemary

Take a glass of sliced watermelon, Mnemonic to form a slurry. Add a sprig of rosemary (it is better not to press strongly, because it instantly gives your juice and drink it risks becoming oversaturated). Pour water.
Cucumber and Mint

Cut into slices half a cucumber, cut into slices of lime, add fresh mint leaves and pour water.
Fruit ice

This is perfect for the lazy. If sometimes you just need to make a delicious vodichku a couple of seconds - make harvesting ice with pieces of fruit, citrus fruit, berries or mint. So you can always quickly cool the water and give it a taste.
Photos on the preview: Alena Haurylik / shutterstock
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