We must live today. It may not happen tomorrow

We all need, it is important, it is necessary to live today. Tomorrow - the concept is very relative. His, by the way, there can not be. Life - a thing not only interesting, but also unpredictable. And do not be afraid, it is generally better not to think. But also remember that the world can turn to any fifth point, too, is extremely imprudent.
Even if you now accuse me of idiocy, it will not change anything. < There is only today. Point. is why you need to live now, at this moment, in the specific moment. Represents the future of life - it is useful for the overall development, but live the dreams of the future, which can in principle not occur, deadly ticking off each beat of the heart. So it is better to leave all these dreams of "tomorrow's happiness" to boring winter evenings to tickle your nerves. And enjoy the present moment
Right now, in the sun or rain, it's true -.. Get up off the couch and go aimlessly is the only way, starting from the next street, you can see the whole world, or at least at least some part of it. And by the way, suddenly fate at this moment with pug walking in a nearby park?
If the head has ever looked into the idea to change jobs or - horror of horrors - the type of activity, it is also a good idea to break away from reading other people's success stories and to begin to change something right here and now. Send resume to where you want, write a letter, even if the dream of no vacancies, or call on the lease in the basement of the five-storey building, where only asks a small cafe.
Of course, many here zavorchat that it's the next empty words. Yes? I own "6 minus 5" saw a man who once wrote a letter to one of the world's marketing guru. A student with no work experience wrote why he did not agree with a famous author. This letter somehow got into one-a well-known publishing house. Needless to say, that daredevil hired to continue his career soared upward parabola?
What kind of miracles can be achieved, if only to stop collecting on his personal stock not make the next steps are skipped. How easy it is to turn gray in multicolored, if do not care about those who have twisted his finger to his temple, looking at other people's attempts to abruptly change lives. < In the end, even if from the venture will not work, you can always start over. These attempts are not limited to, no one will put the crosses in front of rushing and searching for himself.
I wanted five years to write lyrics all the time postponed for some later. Every day there were more important things. Money, money, droop in the park with a book five hours trying on jeans in the store, new projects and old projects, I'm afraid to bring people who do not want to disappoint loved ones, it is necessary to explain to others, and now a little scraped away - and here it is necessary.
One day it so happened that I slightly jumped the track and there, in front of his feature, I almost lost this life. < And then I quickly became apparent that if my will not tomorrow, then I'll stay with what we have. and it was somehow insulting and stupid and ashamed of their fear and laziness. Today, I write a lot. Let that not everyone likes, and I do not always do 100% what I want. And I'm tired, and I sometimes end with the words, and I still have not started to master. But it's still "my today." < Even when it is very difficult or it does not work, I look over the laptop out the window and I know that I'm at the point where I want to be right now.
And now every time suddenly in my head there is a choice between a trip on the weekend where I feel good, and purchasing new coolest jacket, I ask myself one question: "Will you look back on that damn jacket over a decade?" Immediately ominous refrain starts pounding in his temple: "Again, the sun in your hair to postpone for tomorrow?»
But if tomorrow does not happen, it means that my memory will remain unhappy clothes no, really, thank you?. I support the idea to throw jeans and a T-shirt in the duffel bag and run away from jackets, shoes registered and need to choose from the obvious and non-obvious. I'm for a fairy tale country roads, the heady scent of herbs and a new freckle on the nose of the biting sun. I "for" stop postponing a meeting with someone important only because there is nothing to wear or enough hair perfectly curled in the wind.
Here, most probably remember about "how much money you need to have in order to drive just to the sea or throwing everything to rush for 500 km." Habitual lies themselves. Such excuses if we disown their right to live today. <, than to understand that to get to any point of the earth is much easier to easily shelved. And even with a minimum of possibilities. is enough to stop wasting time and energy on unnecessary and direct energy toward your own desires. And then it will come true. The sea, control of the airplane, jump from a springboard, learning Swahili, the long-awaited meeting, publication of the book, the birth of a child - all feasible from what is deeply buried in the secret corners of the heart
The main thing is to start now
Live today - this is not a stamp of psychological Talmud. This we all need to learn. And come to this university, "Today" is right now. And rejoice in each of its microstepping. Because tomorrow may not be. Point.
Olga Gerd specifically for the Website
Photos on the preview: © Irina Dzhul
via www.facebook.com/irina.dzul
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