St. Petersburg photographer commuters compared to their profiles "VKontakte"

21-year-old photographer from St. Petersburg Yegor Tsvetkov holds an interesting photoshoot Your Face Is Big Data. After passing in the St. Petersburg subway, he photographed the passengers, and then use the free service FindFace found a profile on a social network "VKontakte" in his photos.
His project Yegor wanted to show "the end of anonymity," that in the modern era have to be careful to personal photographs and deny access to outsiders to their profile.
"The development of technology takes away from the power structures monopoly on the identification of the person on the photo / video and transmits the opportunity literally to any interested", - says Yegor.
In such circumstances, it makes no sense to play different roles in life, and in social networks: "Unaware of this, people continue to stick to the usual behavior patterns, closing to the public and opening up the social networks."

But the most important thing is that Tsvetkova project demonstrates the power of modern neural networks in the recognition of faces, even free programs like FindFace. By the way, this service works on freemium model: free of charge only the first 30 search queries per month. In addition, there are a number of extra services.
Now search for photos takes 30-60 seconds. But one can imagine that in the future will find almost in real time, so if you want in your smart spectacles you will ever see on the screen the information about almost every passer-by.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/274356/
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