Pescetarianism - ethical system of power, which you did not know
Nutrition - an important factor that directly affects your health. Today we talk about pescetarianism.
This way of life is to avoid the consumption of meat of warm-blooded (animals and birds). This diet is a combination of vegetables, fruit, fish and seafood, nuts, cereals, legumes and other products.
Thus pescetarianism is an alternative to both myasoedstvo and too radical for many of vegetarianism, while more and more people become committed to this idea.
One of the most popular reasons for the refusal of meat consumption and transition to pesketarianskuyu / vegetarian diet is to take care of their health. And this view has many explanations. You do not need to look far for reasons to fear for their lives and health to eat meat - more than enough:
1. The meat of warm-blooded contains an abundance of cholesterol, and it is - a sure way to myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. Cardiovascular disease - the most "popular" cause of death in Russia
. According to Rosstat, in the 100, 000 people died in 2007 from 829 the cause of death were just cardiovascular problems. Considering the love of the meat among the inhabitants of our country, we can say that it has played a significant role in this statistic.
2. Just harm caused unnecessary fats often contained in meat food. This problem is quite large, considering how serious a problem it is now the development of obesity in humans because of the wrong food. And overweight entails the possibility of a number of unpleasant diseases.
3. Methods of preparing the meat for sale, as well as especially animal feed, also do not contribute to the joy of our stomachs. Often added to animal feed in a variety of chemical substances that are harmful to humans. Among them, tranquilizers, hormones, antibiotics, and other substances.
The purpose of this may be the rapid growth of various tissues in the body, the lack of disease in an animal in its short life and more. But in any case, no care during the withdrawal of these substances from the body. After the murder, the meat is processed, this is often used nitrates and nitrites. And all these substances get into the stomachs of meat lovers. The damage from this is difficult to calculate and almost impossible to eliminate.
4. In addition, there is harm, and from the way of killing animals. When they are at the slaughterhouse is allocated a huge amount gormnonov fear. They disagree on the body prepared to slaughter a cow or a pig instantly. The living entity, who underwent the agony - not the best table decoration.
Moreover, the transition to pescetarianism can explain the ethical point of view - on a daily basis without any need for conveyor hammered hundreds of living beings
. This all is due to the false, mythical need to eat dead animals, despite the fact that the need for this for a long time denied. The only true reason for this - the work of a giant myasoproizvodstva industry and pesketarianskie / vegetarian / animal protection applied to her mood kolosalny damage. To allow the industry to kill or try their health sensibly in choosing their food - the choice is yours.
This way of life is to avoid the consumption of meat of warm-blooded (animals and birds). This diet is a combination of vegetables, fruit, fish and seafood, nuts, cereals, legumes and other products.
Thus pescetarianism is an alternative to both myasoedstvo and too radical for many of vegetarianism, while more and more people become committed to this idea.

One of the most popular reasons for the refusal of meat consumption and transition to pesketarianskuyu / vegetarian diet is to take care of their health. And this view has many explanations. You do not need to look far for reasons to fear for their lives and health to eat meat - more than enough:
1. The meat of warm-blooded contains an abundance of cholesterol, and it is - a sure way to myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. Cardiovascular disease - the most "popular" cause of death in Russia
. According to Rosstat, in the 100, 000 people died in 2007 from 829 the cause of death were just cardiovascular problems. Considering the love of the meat among the inhabitants of our country, we can say that it has played a significant role in this statistic.
2. Just harm caused unnecessary fats often contained in meat food. This problem is quite large, considering how serious a problem it is now the development of obesity in humans because of the wrong food. And overweight entails the possibility of a number of unpleasant diseases.
3. Methods of preparing the meat for sale, as well as especially animal feed, also do not contribute to the joy of our stomachs. Often added to animal feed in a variety of chemical substances that are harmful to humans. Among them, tranquilizers, hormones, antibiotics, and other substances.
The purpose of this may be the rapid growth of various tissues in the body, the lack of disease in an animal in its short life and more. But in any case, no care during the withdrawal of these substances from the body. After the murder, the meat is processed, this is often used nitrates and nitrites. And all these substances get into the stomachs of meat lovers. The damage from this is difficult to calculate and almost impossible to eliminate.

4. In addition, there is harm, and from the way of killing animals. When they are at the slaughterhouse is allocated a huge amount gormnonov fear. They disagree on the body prepared to slaughter a cow or a pig instantly. The living entity, who underwent the agony - not the best table decoration.
Moreover, the transition to pescetarianism can explain the ethical point of view - on a daily basis without any need for conveyor hammered hundreds of living beings
. This all is due to the false, mythical need to eat dead animals, despite the fact that the need for this for a long time denied. The only true reason for this - the work of a giant myasoproizvodstva industry and pesketarianskie / vegetarian / animal protection applied to her mood kolosalny damage. To allow the industry to kill or try their health sensibly in choosing their food - the choice is yours.