Things vampires and things, amulets in your home
Over the years, our apartments are filled with a wide variety of objects and things - from the right, used in everyday life, to adorn the interiors of the rooms. In the past century, people always knew what the "good" things, and what "evil", know what must be done from any material.
Today bioenergy gradually recover them largely lost knowledge. Here are some practical tips to help make your life safer, better, happier.
1. Figurines pigeons, crows, magpies, waterfowl, eagles, storks bring misfortune.
2. Statuette elephant with trunk up (Blowing) - brings home good luck and helps to defeat enemies, and elephant trunk down (sleep) - carries disheartened house, melancholy, depression, frequent heavy thoughts, stress
. 3. Sculpture dog or lion sitting on its hind legs and with open mouth, brings misfortune as attracts evil spirits, while depriving human intuition.
4. Gifts that are not liking, will bring unhappiness, if not get rid of them as gifted with bad feelings or to slander.
5. Paintings, prints depicting something uncomfortable for the eyes violate the peace of mind interfere with spiritual development, impaired memory.
6. Any fish image makes you vulnerable to restore damage and the evil eye, and also attracts thieves home.
7. Seashells, which many people like to bring as a gift from the south, alas, also bring unhappiness, as it leads to deterioration of blood vessels and heart.
8. Horn of animals can cause the loss of a loved one or separation from him, provoking disease and trauma.
9. Plaster figurines and statuettes bad because they interfere with focus on the most important, distracts from urgent cases, weaken the will, take away a person in a world of illusions.
10. Dishes with chipped and cracked loses power integrity and, consequently, violates the energy of food or reducing its energy value or making it altogether negative. To eat or to drink from such dishes - only harm themselves
. 11. Knives, left on a table for the night, accumulate negative energy and attract all evil, which is to obtain energy by feeding this knife for a long time remained in the house, breaking the sleep, rest and comfort of the household. In addition, this knife is dangerous, because it is easier to put yourself sudden and unexpected cuts. The same properties have knives with broken blades or gouged. They should not try to put in order, and should be secretly buried in the ground.
12. Old worn shabby slippers or other footwear should be disposed of rather than put in lockers and Shoe cabinet, as they attract to their owner damage, the evil eye and slanders.
13. Small castors, of which often poured out salt, and it also collects all the time on the edge - the same thing in the house is undesirable. They tend to provoke quarrels, intrigues, squabbles and scandals, even with the fight, attract evil gossip.
14 Chinese lanterns - not the best element of the decor rooms, as they cause sudden unfounded fears and anguish
. 15. Broom in the house always represents money, but there are some nuances. To use the old, worn out broom - means courting ruin or a long lack of money. Keep old broom in the house - so the court losses through disease. Sweep the floor at night to sweep means accept money from home - prosperity will not. Therefore, from time immemorial floors swept up in the morning.
16. Live plants, the stems which buzz about the walls (except grapes), have the ability to attract the owners of the house a variety of diseases.
Carry a good
1. Utensils with folk paintings (Zhostovo, Palekh, Khokhloma, Gzhel, and so on. D.) A positive effect on the nervous system, cheer up. This is explained by the fact that each drawing on them - a magic symbol or sign, come from the depths of centuries, employee health amulet, talisman wisdom, intuition and well-being (ie, helps you find them..)
. 2. Matryoshka with an even number of figures is a talisman for money, prosperity, helps to avoid bankruptcy and keep the existing well-being and health. With an odd number of figures - protects against the evil intruder, the evil eye, illnesses and family quarrels
. 3. Embroidered flowers in warm colors cushions are a talisman of conjugal love, cold tones - develop the gift apprehension of failure, embroidery depicting flowers - store separation from a loved one, beaded ornament - protects against sudden danger, embroidered with the image of people, landscapes, buildings - It helps maintain success in various business endeavors.
4. Crafted furs, for long take, promotes a successful trade, capital increase, as well as protects acquired earlier.
5. Ficus creates around itself a positive aura, it helps to concentrate, relax from stress, nervousness repay, normalizes the energy in the house. To restore the physical and mental health in the evening sit for half an hour about ficus, holding it between his hands and a sheet covering his eyes, mentally tell him about their failures, and it will help get rid of negative thoughts and emotions.
6. Bear Figurine, set in a prominent place, protects the house from evil spirits and evil spells, is the talisman of the family hearth, as well as the cash keeps prosperity at home. It should be alternately in the room, then the kitchen.
7. Wheat, rye, oats, put in a vase (they may even be artificial), always contribute only prosperity, wealth, health, comfort and peace in the house. They are great currents neutralize negative energy. Therefore, in the period from December 25 to January 6 are advised to keep a vase on a table with cookies, donuts, crackers, bread, as this will provide these days favorable financial arrangements, receipt of a large sum of money, maybe heard about the inheritance or testament.
8. A powerful talisman against the evil eye and spoilage is an icon with the name Seven Arrows. Located opposite the entrance door, it will not only protect you from the evil eye and those with bad intentions, but do not allow them to even come close to your door. Since its advent in the house becomes smaller scandals and conflicts, cursing and anger that may arise due to the last detail.
Today bioenergy gradually recover them largely lost knowledge. Here are some practical tips to help make your life safer, better, happier.

1. Figurines pigeons, crows, magpies, waterfowl, eagles, storks bring misfortune.
2. Statuette elephant with trunk up (Blowing) - brings home good luck and helps to defeat enemies, and elephant trunk down (sleep) - carries disheartened house, melancholy, depression, frequent heavy thoughts, stress
. 3. Sculpture dog or lion sitting on its hind legs and with open mouth, brings misfortune as attracts evil spirits, while depriving human intuition.
4. Gifts that are not liking, will bring unhappiness, if not get rid of them as gifted with bad feelings or to slander.
5. Paintings, prints depicting something uncomfortable for the eyes violate the peace of mind interfere with spiritual development, impaired memory.
6. Any fish image makes you vulnerable to restore damage and the evil eye, and also attracts thieves home.
7. Seashells, which many people like to bring as a gift from the south, alas, also bring unhappiness, as it leads to deterioration of blood vessels and heart.
8. Horn of animals can cause the loss of a loved one or separation from him, provoking disease and trauma.
9. Plaster figurines and statuettes bad because they interfere with focus on the most important, distracts from urgent cases, weaken the will, take away a person in a world of illusions.
10. Dishes with chipped and cracked loses power integrity and, consequently, violates the energy of food or reducing its energy value or making it altogether negative. To eat or to drink from such dishes - only harm themselves
. 11. Knives, left on a table for the night, accumulate negative energy and attract all evil, which is to obtain energy by feeding this knife for a long time remained in the house, breaking the sleep, rest and comfort of the household. In addition, this knife is dangerous, because it is easier to put yourself sudden and unexpected cuts. The same properties have knives with broken blades or gouged. They should not try to put in order, and should be secretly buried in the ground.
12. Old worn shabby slippers or other footwear should be disposed of rather than put in lockers and Shoe cabinet, as they attract to their owner damage, the evil eye and slanders.
13. Small castors, of which often poured out salt, and it also collects all the time on the edge - the same thing in the house is undesirable. They tend to provoke quarrels, intrigues, squabbles and scandals, even with the fight, attract evil gossip.
14 Chinese lanterns - not the best element of the decor rooms, as they cause sudden unfounded fears and anguish
. 15. Broom in the house always represents money, but there are some nuances. To use the old, worn out broom - means courting ruin or a long lack of money. Keep old broom in the house - so the court losses through disease. Sweep the floor at night to sweep means accept money from home - prosperity will not. Therefore, from time immemorial floors swept up in the morning.
16. Live plants, the stems which buzz about the walls (except grapes), have the ability to attract the owners of the house a variety of diseases.
Carry a good
1. Utensils with folk paintings (Zhostovo, Palekh, Khokhloma, Gzhel, and so on. D.) A positive effect on the nervous system, cheer up. This is explained by the fact that each drawing on them - a magic symbol or sign, come from the depths of centuries, employee health amulet, talisman wisdom, intuition and well-being (ie, helps you find them..)
. 2. Matryoshka with an even number of figures is a talisman for money, prosperity, helps to avoid bankruptcy and keep the existing well-being and health. With an odd number of figures - protects against the evil intruder, the evil eye, illnesses and family quarrels
. 3. Embroidered flowers in warm colors cushions are a talisman of conjugal love, cold tones - develop the gift apprehension of failure, embroidery depicting flowers - store separation from a loved one, beaded ornament - protects against sudden danger, embroidered with the image of people, landscapes, buildings - It helps maintain success in various business endeavors.
4. Crafted furs, for long take, promotes a successful trade, capital increase, as well as protects acquired earlier.
5. Ficus creates around itself a positive aura, it helps to concentrate, relax from stress, nervousness repay, normalizes the energy in the house. To restore the physical and mental health in the evening sit for half an hour about ficus, holding it between his hands and a sheet covering his eyes, mentally tell him about their failures, and it will help get rid of negative thoughts and emotions.
6. Bear Figurine, set in a prominent place, protects the house from evil spirits and evil spells, is the talisman of the family hearth, as well as the cash keeps prosperity at home. It should be alternately in the room, then the kitchen.
7. Wheat, rye, oats, put in a vase (they may even be artificial), always contribute only prosperity, wealth, health, comfort and peace in the house. They are great currents neutralize negative energy. Therefore, in the period from December 25 to January 6 are advised to keep a vase on a table with cookies, donuts, crackers, bread, as this will provide these days favorable financial arrangements, receipt of a large sum of money, maybe heard about the inheritance or testament.
8. A powerful talisman against the evil eye and spoilage is an icon with the name Seven Arrows. Located opposite the entrance door, it will not only protect you from the evil eye and those with bad intentions, but do not allow them to even come close to your door. Since its advent in the house becomes smaller scandals and conflicts, cursing and anger that may arise due to the last detail.
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