Simpsihoz: The soul can be mistress and slave
Nature knows the phenomenon of symbiosis - coexistence of different kinds of organisms, their biological interdependence
. This phenomenon remains largely a mystery to science, even though it was discovered by Swiss scientist S. Shvendenerom in 1877 in the study of lichens, which, as it turned out, are complex organisms consisting of a fungus and algae. The same power of indissolubility can act and between people - on the mental rather than the biological level
Simpsihoz - mental interdependence of two or more persons. They are emotionally fixated on each other, experiencing the same sentiments that are instantly transmitted from one to another. Such simpsihoz happens between family members or small community, for example, sect or party.
On the one hand, among them a growing sense of happiness, safety, security, amounting to euphoria - and at the same negative emotions resonate mutually, can translate into a quarrel, lead to a nervous breakdown
. There are different gradations and simpsihoza stage, up to the full emotional merger of the two entities, as in "Old World Landowners", "all their affection was concentrated on them as themselves»
. Simpsihoz can be psychologically beneficial for both parties, emotionally strengthen them, to increase resilience, resistance to external circumstances. The relationship with the partner can be equal or subordinate, ie one more dependent, the other dominated - Case Darling that clings to the stronger or power shower. This psihotsar or soul-Ms, can protect the weaker, dependent soul - or oppress it, absorb its energy
. Simpsihoz might be useful one, but the other partner is harmful - then this attitude is called parasitism and vampirism. Parasitism - is when the mentally weaker partner uses energy more powerful tanks. Vampirism - when a strong partner enjoys the energy of the weak, further weakening its
. Simpsihoz can be dangerous and damaging to both partners, even if they need each other and can not break this union, as in the case of Nastasya Filippovna and Rogozhin, which can be neither together nor apart, and continue to psychologically torment each other. This negative simpsihoz often allowed death, murder or suicide.
Simpsihoz can connect three or more, which is manifested in the so-called "triangle" or "square", multiple love unions, which include jealousy, rivalry - or the generosity and self-denial. This case describes simpsihoza Herzen in "My Past and Thoughts" - the ratio of two couples: Herzen and Herwegh, with their pairs and cross psychic dependence, constant tantrums, victims revenge. "All we have got used - I can not imagine a more harmonious existence," - Natalie Herzen wrote to a friend. But then it cohabitation - quoted and unquoted - turned into hell ...
A similar conflict can be noted in the history of the first marriage Dostoevsky: he was in love with his future wife, Maria Isayeva, and she loved teacher Vergunova, and the two rivals were crying on each other's chest and sacrificially renounced beloved for the sake of happiness of another
<. br> Simpsihoz possible not only between individuals but also between the individual and the collective, the leader and the people, and their relationship can also be painful for one or both sides. This type simpsihoza depicted in the novel by Thomas Mann "Mario and the Magician", where a wandering magician holds a session of magic and mentally subjugates the will of the audience, at the same time he is enslaved by it and at times falling into a trance. This mutual torture interrupted shot - Mario wizard revenge for the fact that he made a mental violence against them. You can draw a parallel between the "simpleton": Rogozhin in Dostovskogo and Mario T. Mann. Both get rid of painful for them simpsihoza, killing their oppressors sophisticated, their psihovampirov.
Simpsihozy can grow like coral in the whole mental colony, as in the novels of Dostoevsky, where, for example, the father and the brothers Karamazov, Katerina Ivanovna, Grushenka, Lisa Hohlakov, partly family Snegirev, form a single simpsihoz, stress field of empathy, emotional domination and slavery.
Simpsihoz based on polling of mental gravitation personalities, on a reciprocal "gluing". Is the person more prone to such entities, so-called "sticky" and is "dry", which repel any relationship. Adhesive person looking for any ways psihozavisimosti, both active and passive, it is guessed some mental spongy, the ability to absorb other people's psihoenergii or to pour their energy into other.
Adhesive person emotionally enveloping people and wittingly or unwittingly impose them the role of partners in the mental interactions. It can be divalent or multivalent, depending on whether one partner it is sufficient to form a firm (constructive or destructive) simpsihoza - or it needs several partners that transmit energy to each other and psihovliyany psihozavisimostey and are firmly connected to this circuit. At the center of this psihokonsortsiuma may be one person, forming a radial connection with the environment, or it may be more pluralistic configuration with multiple centers of attraction and repulsion.
One of the biggest choices simpsihoza - psychocrat, a political regime which is determined by the interaction of mental power and society. When power is not other levers of influence: economic, cultural, and civilizational constructive, creative and social - it uses the suggestibility of the population to achieve their goals
. In the end, this interaction becomes purely nervous stimulation and simulation, provoking a mass psychosis, hysteria, that puts the state on the verge of a nervous breakdown, hysterical collapse and, accordingly, the historical catastrophe. At the same time there is an intensive consumption and depletion of mental resources and power, and the public that emotionally experienced as mutual torture, as competition in the mental stamina - who soon exhausted the patience
. Power as hysterical Nastasia, pushed around its aficionados and yet mentally dependent on it, can cause characteristic Rogozhinsky response: instant shift from adoration to physical violence as the only way to break further intolerable simpsihoza
. Author: Michael Epstein
. This phenomenon remains largely a mystery to science, even though it was discovered by Swiss scientist S. Shvendenerom in 1877 in the study of lichens, which, as it turned out, are complex organisms consisting of a fungus and algae. The same power of indissolubility can act and between people - on the mental rather than the biological level

Simpsihoz - mental interdependence of two or more persons. They are emotionally fixated on each other, experiencing the same sentiments that are instantly transmitted from one to another. Such simpsihoz happens between family members or small community, for example, sect or party.
On the one hand, among them a growing sense of happiness, safety, security, amounting to euphoria - and at the same negative emotions resonate mutually, can translate into a quarrel, lead to a nervous breakdown
. There are different gradations and simpsihoza stage, up to the full emotional merger of the two entities, as in "Old World Landowners", "all their affection was concentrated on them as themselves»
. Simpsihoz can be psychologically beneficial for both parties, emotionally strengthen them, to increase resilience, resistance to external circumstances. The relationship with the partner can be equal or subordinate, ie one more dependent, the other dominated - Case Darling that clings to the stronger or power shower. This psihotsar or soul-Ms, can protect the weaker, dependent soul - or oppress it, absorb its energy
. Simpsihoz might be useful one, but the other partner is harmful - then this attitude is called parasitism and vampirism. Parasitism - is when the mentally weaker partner uses energy more powerful tanks. Vampirism - when a strong partner enjoys the energy of the weak, further weakening its
. Simpsihoz can be dangerous and damaging to both partners, even if they need each other and can not break this union, as in the case of Nastasya Filippovna and Rogozhin, which can be neither together nor apart, and continue to psychologically torment each other. This negative simpsihoz often allowed death, murder or suicide.
Simpsihoz can connect three or more, which is manifested in the so-called "triangle" or "square", multiple love unions, which include jealousy, rivalry - or the generosity and self-denial. This case describes simpsihoza Herzen in "My Past and Thoughts" - the ratio of two couples: Herzen and Herwegh, with their pairs and cross psychic dependence, constant tantrums, victims revenge. "All we have got used - I can not imagine a more harmonious existence," - Natalie Herzen wrote to a friend. But then it cohabitation - quoted and unquoted - turned into hell ...
A similar conflict can be noted in the history of the first marriage Dostoevsky: he was in love with his future wife, Maria Isayeva, and she loved teacher Vergunova, and the two rivals were crying on each other's chest and sacrificially renounced beloved for the sake of happiness of another
<. br> Simpsihoz possible not only between individuals but also between the individual and the collective, the leader and the people, and their relationship can also be painful for one or both sides. This type simpsihoza depicted in the novel by Thomas Mann "Mario and the Magician", where a wandering magician holds a session of magic and mentally subjugates the will of the audience, at the same time he is enslaved by it and at times falling into a trance. This mutual torture interrupted shot - Mario wizard revenge for the fact that he made a mental violence against them. You can draw a parallel between the "simpleton": Rogozhin in Dostovskogo and Mario T. Mann. Both get rid of painful for them simpsihoza, killing their oppressors sophisticated, their psihovampirov.
Simpsihozy can grow like coral in the whole mental colony, as in the novels of Dostoevsky, where, for example, the father and the brothers Karamazov, Katerina Ivanovna, Grushenka, Lisa Hohlakov, partly family Snegirev, form a single simpsihoz, stress field of empathy, emotional domination and slavery.
Simpsihoz based on polling of mental gravitation personalities, on a reciprocal "gluing". Is the person more prone to such entities, so-called "sticky" and is "dry", which repel any relationship. Adhesive person looking for any ways psihozavisimosti, both active and passive, it is guessed some mental spongy, the ability to absorb other people's psihoenergii or to pour their energy into other.
Adhesive person emotionally enveloping people and wittingly or unwittingly impose them the role of partners in the mental interactions. It can be divalent or multivalent, depending on whether one partner it is sufficient to form a firm (constructive or destructive) simpsihoza - or it needs several partners that transmit energy to each other and psihovliyany psihozavisimostey and are firmly connected to this circuit. At the center of this psihokonsortsiuma may be one person, forming a radial connection with the environment, or it may be more pluralistic configuration with multiple centers of attraction and repulsion.
One of the biggest choices simpsihoza - psychocrat, a political regime which is determined by the interaction of mental power and society. When power is not other levers of influence: economic, cultural, and civilizational constructive, creative and social - it uses the suggestibility of the population to achieve their goals
. In the end, this interaction becomes purely nervous stimulation and simulation, provoking a mass psychosis, hysteria, that puts the state on the verge of a nervous breakdown, hysterical collapse and, accordingly, the historical catastrophe. At the same time there is an intensive consumption and depletion of mental resources and power, and the public that emotionally experienced as mutual torture, as competition in the mental stamina - who soon exhausted the patience
. Power as hysterical Nastasia, pushed around its aficionados and yet mentally dependent on it, can cause characteristic Rogozhinsky response: instant shift from adoration to physical violence as the only way to break further intolerable simpsihoza
. Author: Michael Epstein