In what appears "purity" of women?

Let's start with the fact that the entire industry of feminine beauty is based on an innocent deception:
- A woman enjoys a smell of perfume and not its smell, and that she was lying
- A woman applies make-up and lying again, showing "not its" face
- Woman bust emphasizes "push-up", again deceiving
. This seemingly innocent lie robs a woman of her purity. But that's not all. We women are not clean when the demand of ourselves standards of female behavior. After attending the training on how to be feminine, women are beginning to strive for women's standards of behavior. Then they need from men male behavior standards. But such a "standardized", men and women will play in the relationship, both in pasochki in the sandbox. The truth is that before becoming a woman or a man, it is important to be yourself.
Flirt as a defensive reaction. Thanks to flirt women hide their vulnerability. They shoot eyes, fawn, send signals. In flirting is no risk of rejection, and therefore, it is safe:. If a man does not catch the signal, he is guilty. On the contrary, to be open for what is - risky, may be rejected. Psychological denial can be equated to murder. Togo, who deny, do not consider the living, worthy of attention. I'm sure many of us at least once "die" in the relationship, when in response to our purity and nudity were rejected. The purity of his we live and vulnerable as children. But often in a relationship, we only show their strengths: professional quality, the quality of his wife and housewife.
If you remove the relationship from a "live" side, they turn into a pattern of behavior. This is evident for example in how people approach marriage. Often a man chooses his wife on the set of qualities. Faced with the appropriate parameters on, he begins to look for the well-known scenario. After the wedding, as a rule, stop grooming. He had "bought" his wife, it is time to use it as home appliances. Ironically, even the wedding dress is traditionally white, like a washing machine or a refrigerator
We try to protect yourself in a relationship. If you give a man, there is a risk that he would use aami only for sex. At the same time, try to insure themselves against such a disappointment, it means to cheat. Trying to protect yourself, a partner requires a different fidelity in relationships. But this requirement is enforced, it means: Give me your soul, all your choices, your real life, so I was with you in peace. But it usually ends with hatred and accusations: "You no longer be alive. Where is the passion "Actually safe toys made just for kids, to insure the relationship alive - it means to put the soul in a condom
. Treat your partner as consumers. The purity of the relationship the most important message - "Thank you for what you have." And often the relationship starts without expectations and conditions as between the two deities. But then this purity is lost somewhere and start a claim, "Why do not you shave," "Why are not the flowers," "I put on an uncomfortable dress for you, and you donate something." Rather than allow the other to be the way he wants to be, to respect the line of his fate, he put forward conditions. Contact history - attitude to the meeting, as a gift. A woman who chooses love on the principle: either he or I "die"
. Frustrating. At the head of the whole man, feelings and actions - are united. From the verb "to be upset" when lost integrity. When a person thinks one thing, he says another, as does the third. For example, coming to rest on the sea, but at the same time thinking about work. Or when a woman has sex unwillingly. In the absence of the integrity of the body reacts to disease because there is an inner lie.
We are afraid to be vulnerable. Loss of the "purity" begins when the fear of appearing vulnerable there. Since this can not show fear, the man begins to cheat, pretend not that what it really is. As a result, a person begins to lie and to himself.
What is purity? And it is allowing yourself to live out their inner truth. At the same time there is an understanding that the world can somehow respond to this truth, may even condemn or reject. The purity of the soul is exposed, when there is a stone in his bosom, and secret thoughts when people are not afraid to be naked on the relationship level.
What is needed to be cleansed? Doctors know that the treatment of many chronic diseases need to translate them in the acute phase. For a man so often it becomes an aggravation of catharsis. When it accumulated so much emotion (fear, resentment), that a certain situation becomes the last straw. Then the pain comes, the person takes it, cleared through the pain and relaxes. Meditation and relaxation techniques will not work to bring about change.
This can be achieved if deliberately go to overcome difficulties within himself.
Author: Natalia Valitskaya