What are the aluminum profiles and what series they are separated?

Profile of aluminum, is a kind of preparation, which is used to create a beautiful future of LED lamp, which in this case would be protected from all sorts of sprays, for example. In the case of using an aluminum profile with LED rulers, manifested another, no less important feature of this product - it is a good indicator of heat removal. These products are very popular and that's why, now known about the existence of just the same number of their species.
Some of them are also represented in the company's range - http://almo-ags.ru, one of the most popular of which is the aluminum profile AF 50, which is mainly intended for the subsequent manufacture of a wide variety of translucent structures, which include, we could include building facades, winter gardens, sloping surfaces and so on. With specific regard to this series, that its main components are the pillars and beams, which are connected to each other by common blending. Unlike any other products of this type, in a series of AF 50, the connection is not only a classic post-and-girder scheme, but also the crossbar-crossbar circuit. If you, for whatever reason, does not fit this series of aluminum profiles, it is always appropriate to draw proper attention to the AOS 85, which has been specially designed for the manufacture of all kinds of office partitions that after, find their extensive use in the territory of various shopping centers, office building and so on. It would be appropriate, and also to get acquainted with a series of 68 A, which uses no less popular than the above two options, as needed for the manufacture of window and door units.
Of course, if we have not managed to interest you in any of the above items, it does not mean that your desired product - is not provided for in the aforementioned range of the company. That is why, if you need any of these conditions or you want to buy aluminum profiles of any other series, it would be best if you still use the services of the members of this company!