Shocking Truth About Tom for what Kill Elephants, not leave you indifferent!
Despite an international ban in 1989 for shooting elephants, they continue to kill:. Of the world's population of 400 thousand - 20-30 thousand copies a year.. The main culprit of the murder referred to China - where the main demand for the tusks. But it's a little like this: demand is formed not only Chinese, but a growing Christian community in China
Since the ban on killing elephants, they killed at least 400 thousand. The turnover of the tusks of elephants every year up to 500 mln. Dollars, of which the poachers in Africa, Thailand and Burma gets only 20-30%. The rest of the hundreds of millions of dollars go into the pockets of officials and intermediaries underdeveloped countries from South-East Asia.
Interestingly, during the ban has not been convicted of any poacher. In very corrupt countries hunters elephants simply buy off the security forces, and in the countries with the regime pozhёstche - Burma type or South Africa - poachers special forces just kill (up to 30-50 people per year)
Up to 80% of elephant tusks sent to China, another 15% - in other Southeast Asian countries (in the developed world - only 1-2%). It is natural that the world's environmentalists accuse China was indulging poachers: is to introduce a ban in that country on the turnover of elephant tusks, like poachers disappear market, and thousands of animals will be saved. In general, correct observation, but it is worth to note that the demand for tusks impose not only the Chinese, but rapidly growing Christian community in China.
In China, among the Christians still made ornate carvings decorating the temples of the tusks. This tradition comes from medieval Europe, when the crucifixion of Christ, the salaries of icons, etc. performed because of the material. Since then, Europe has become more humane, and allows local parishes tusks used for these purposes, but China is still mentally in that epoch.
Chinese Christian churches as if competing with each other in the richness of interior decoration. Crucifixion of Christ, made of elephant tusks, can cost up to 500 thousand dollars, the salary for the icon -. To 100 thousand dollars.. In general, the interior only prostroennoy Catholic Church even in some provincial Chinese town mozhdet go up to 3-5 million. Dollars.
Even more wasteful temples of new churches (in Russia they are called "sects"). The Chinese mentality is arranged so that the riches and gilt mean an advantage in anything, and to attract new members, "sect" are competing with each other in the richness of the interiors.
The number of Christians in China is increasing year by year. The exact number nobody knows, but some experts estimate gives already 130-160 million. Christians in the country. In the year of the increase comes at the level of 10 million. New Christians.
In general, the global nature of the defenders have to appeal not only to the Chinese leadership that it banned the circulation of elephant tusks in the country, but also to the heads of the churches, especially the Catholic (among Chinese Christians and 40% Catholic). Perhaps the Pope or other righteous be able to explain to the Chinese, the love of God can not be expressed in demonstrative ostentation of wealth
The following photos showing the path of elephant tusks from "start to finish»:. < br>
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Since the ban on killing elephants, they killed at least 400 thousand. The turnover of the tusks of elephants every year up to 500 mln. Dollars, of which the poachers in Africa, Thailand and Burma gets only 20-30%. The rest of the hundreds of millions of dollars go into the pockets of officials and intermediaries underdeveloped countries from South-East Asia.
Interestingly, during the ban has not been convicted of any poacher. In very corrupt countries hunters elephants simply buy off the security forces, and in the countries with the regime pozhёstche - Burma type or South Africa - poachers special forces just kill (up to 30-50 people per year)
Up to 80% of elephant tusks sent to China, another 15% - in other Southeast Asian countries (in the developed world - only 1-2%). It is natural that the world's environmentalists accuse China was indulging poachers: is to introduce a ban in that country on the turnover of elephant tusks, like poachers disappear market, and thousands of animals will be saved. In general, correct observation, but it is worth to note that the demand for tusks impose not only the Chinese, but rapidly growing Christian community in China.
In China, among the Christians still made ornate carvings decorating the temples of the tusks. This tradition comes from medieval Europe, when the crucifixion of Christ, the salaries of icons, etc. performed because of the material. Since then, Europe has become more humane, and allows local parishes tusks used for these purposes, but China is still mentally in that epoch.
Chinese Christian churches as if competing with each other in the richness of interior decoration. Crucifixion of Christ, made of elephant tusks, can cost up to 500 thousand dollars, the salary for the icon -. To 100 thousand dollars.. In general, the interior only prostroennoy Catholic Church even in some provincial Chinese town mozhdet go up to 3-5 million. Dollars.
Even more wasteful temples of new churches (in Russia they are called "sects"). The Chinese mentality is arranged so that the riches and gilt mean an advantage in anything, and to attract new members, "sect" are competing with each other in the richness of the interiors.
The number of Christians in China is increasing year by year. The exact number nobody knows, but some experts estimate gives already 130-160 million. Christians in the country. In the year of the increase comes at the level of 10 million. New Christians.
In general, the global nature of the defenders have to appeal not only to the Chinese leadership that it banned the circulation of elephant tusks in the country, but also to the heads of the churches, especially the Catholic (among Chinese Christians and 40% Catholic). Perhaps the Pope or other righteous be able to explain to the Chinese, the love of God can not be expressed in demonstrative ostentation of wealth
The following photos showing the path of elephant tusks from "start to finish»:. < br>
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