Herd of drunken elephants demolished the Indian village
Herd of drunken elephants demolished the village Umarkot (Dumurkota) in the Eastern part of India. Not considering the smaller destruction, it was destroyed three homes, a dozen large outbuildings and shop, which caused a drunken rampage of huge elephants.
Asian elephants smaller African elephants and easier to tame, they can reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour. In the village of the elephants was enticed by the smell of alcohol is a very strong local liquor Mahua. Animals found the booze in the store and drank the drink not limited to, – until not finished all, more than 500 litres. Then, as drunk people that are "not enough", the elephants began to behave aggressively and irrationally, we searched all nearby buildings in search of alcohol. However, the consequences were far more devastating, said the press-Secretary of police Asish Samant (Asish Samanat).
After drinking 17 containers of alcohol, the animals destroyed a shop stocking Mahua and destroyed cultural center in Dumurkota, located in Eastern India. In the end, thanks to the rescue of police and forestry workers, the villagers managed to chase the elephant first in the local river, and then transport the animals to a nearby town, where, as it turned out, and arrived uninvited drinkers – all in all, they were part of a herd of 130 elephants.
Source: /users/413

Asian elephants smaller African elephants and easier to tame, they can reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour. In the village of the elephants was enticed by the smell of alcohol is a very strong local liquor Mahua. Animals found the booze in the store and drank the drink not limited to, – until not finished all, more than 500 litres. Then, as drunk people that are "not enough", the elephants began to behave aggressively and irrationally, we searched all nearby buildings in search of alcohol. However, the consequences were far more devastating, said the press-Secretary of police Asish Samant (Asish Samanat).

After drinking 17 containers of alcohol, the animals destroyed a shop stocking Mahua and destroyed cultural center in Dumurkota, located in Eastern India. In the end, thanks to the rescue of police and forestry workers, the villagers managed to chase the elephant first in the local river, and then transport the animals to a nearby town, where, as it turned out, and arrived uninvited drinkers – all in all, they were part of a herd of 130 elephants.

Source: /users/413