Special force inherent in man: Power Rod

There is a special power, inherent in man. And not only man, but all life on Earth.
This kind of force. Many of the manifestations of this force in our world still remain a mystery. Having solved them, we can change the script of life, which may have been already written many centuries before our birth. In our XXI century beauty industry promotes a life without wrinkles and eternal youth. But at all times within the family is not proud of those who are younger and who are older, ie whose race more ancient.
This is "cheating" going with the concept of power. On what grounds can determine how strong a person? The size of the muscles? According to high office? By brand car, which he drives? Bluffing and illusion. True power, deep wisdom lie not in this.
Only when the warm embrace you handle a child's neck, you feel the fullness of life, which can not give any anti-aging cream or a diamond ring. A taste of my grandmother's pancakes can not be compared with any delicacy in the world.
The chain of generations
Keepers of the kind - the ancestors and successors - the children - this is our real strength. Each of us - it is a link in the chain of generations, the carrier of the genetic memory and a special memory of the soul. From the depths of the kind we get the message and install, but often do not know how to use them pravlno and this losing energy. This information is encoded in behavior, emotional mood, and even proverbs and sayings that are consumed in the home. We absorb them, which is called the "mother's milk" and sometimes do not even think how they lead us: one leads to fame, material success to another, the third to be alone ... "Each smith of the happiness" - says mother's daughter. And even the girl in a difficult situation is not lost, not discouraged, because she knows that her destiny does not depend on the circumstances, but from her actions. Conversely, imagine the behavior of a person in the family who had to say with a sigh in a difficult situation: "Well, it means not destiny"
. Skeleton in the closet
Events that happened with our ancestors leave fingerprints on the emotional energy of all kinds. You can trace that in many families, there are hereditary life programs (for example, in 37 years, males die), unconscious repetition of "anniversary syndrome" (divorce initiated by women) ... Some of the most problematic events that are silent (extramarital affairs, hidden savings ...), is converted to the mystery and "expelled" from the domain of the conscious to the subconscious. According to the theory of Jung, these "skeletons in the closet" and continue to live, although they do not openly say, affect the lives of children. And the unconscious attitudes are much stronger and, at times, devastating.
Ivan, not mindful of kinship
This saying originated even before the revolution. Surname Nepomnyashchii gave migrants foundlings, people who do not remember their ancestors. Today, "Ivana, not remembering kinship" - people who deliberately refuse from their ancestors and thereby lose energy Roda, and hence its strength. Remember the famous historical phenomenon - in the most difficult times to access the power of the ancestors. At the beginning of World War II, Stalin began his address with the words "brothers and sisters" (as applied to the parishioners of the priests), thus having involved the emotional memory of generations and people unconsciously feel the force behind them ancestors.
Program on luck
The failures in his personal life, chronic illness, financial losses - all of which can be the result of negative karmic pre-programmed. Doctors give the statistics: 80% of the population suffer from disorders of the spine. And this is the first sign of improper circulation of energy (because the spine - our energy axis) due to violations due to generic programs
. In order to understand and improve their generic program, we must first remember and realize what has happened to your ancestors, how they lived, what wanted to ... Talk to your mom and dad, ask about their ancestors. Think of all his relatives. Maybe someone is no longer alive, but you still hear his words clearly. How to rewrite a generic program? There are several ways, select the one that is closest to you:
The connecting thread. Sit down, close your eyes and try to see the image of an ancestor. Tu negative character traits that you copy, present in the form of a thin thread that runs from the ancestor to you. Mentally cut the her.
Migrating. Migrate to another family member. For example, in your family has been second cousin aunt, who gave birth to six children (mentally ask her help in conceiving a baby) or great-great-grandfather, who was a successful merchant (ask him to help you, if you pursue financial problems). Look in your old people who can easily cope with the problems that plague you. Mentally ask them for help.
New hero. You can not remember the real relative? Think of it. Enter in the sort of successful businessman and attractive woman. Internally, connect with your real ancestors and connect to the energy of the fictional character of your kind. Imagine a vast field of light where are you and your ancestors. A new character is included in the white area. Now you have a new ally and an assistant.
Always connected
Just depends on you how strong is the link between generations.
• The more relatives you will recall, include them in your "circle of trust", so become stronger. You will feel it - feel a surge of strength, confidence
. • Make a family photo album. Put it in the old and new pictures and attract to this work of children. That's already started to recover the link between generations!
• Maintain a relationship with living relatives, often communicate with them. "Blood Ties" nourish us the strongest and most powerful energy.
• Be aware of the ancestors (remember them, tell family stories, looking at the positive qualities of strong ancestors) - it communicates with the last kind
. • Communicate more with the children, tell them successful family history. Children - the successors of your family and how close and emotional relationship do you have, and the future of children and your family as a whole
. • more likely to be in the place where you were born. Even if there is no one lives, and even when not at home. The land itself in this place feeds your energy, because it is - your homeland
. The strength of the sort - your extra battery, which helps to cope with adversity, to survive in a difficult situation. Therefore, it is important to cultivate this power to transmit it to future generations. Then the way your children will be direct and easy.
Psychologist Comment:
Heroes of our time
A person who does not remember and honor their ancestors, like a tree without roots. It has no basis on which it stands, it relies on. At the household level, it makes a lot of mistakes because it is not interested in the experience of previous generations. You can certainly say that this is a certain freedom from the conventions, but as a rule, the reverse side of it - aggressive behavior, liberty
. People in families that keep the memory of ancestors, family history of heroic, feel more confident. Such families are very strong and survive even in very difficult situations, if such occur.
The feeling that you are a member of the genus, gives a sense of self-esteem and pride. And with this feeling he is in the world, broadcasts it to other people, so it is perceived as a successful person.
However, where a person cuts off communication with the ancestors, he seems to be de-energizes itself and therefore can not reach the heights to which he could get up, maintaining support ancestors.