10 books in English, which will understand even a child

Reading books in English - one of the most effective and enjoyable way to learn the language. And not just to learn, and to feel it. However, serious novels to read the newbie is not easy - you have to ten times per page to dive into the dictionary
. Therefore, you should start with a simple example with fairy tales and books, which were written for children and adolescents. They have no difficult words and constructions, but there is a simple and clear spoken language. < Website I have found 10 fascinating books in English for those who are just starting.

«Count the stars" Lois Lowry /
«Number the Stars» Lois Lowry Second World War. German troops occupied Denmark. Civilians are not affected, but in every corner you can see the soldiers. A little girl, Anne-Marie to help to save her best friend and her parents-Jews. A good book about courage, which also is easy to read.

«The Chronicles of Narnia," CS Lewis /
«The Chronicles of Narnia» Clive Staples Lewis Children fall into a magical land called Narnia, where animals can talk, magic is common, and good fighting evil. But the good need help to win.

«Winnie the Pooh" by Alan Milne /
«Winnie-the-Pooh» A. A. Milne Cycle tales Alan Alexander Milne tells of the adventures of gay friends: Rabbit, Piglet, Christopher Robin and of course, the famous teddy bear Winnie the Pooh, who more than anything loves honey and write poetry . Let us remember childhood!

«Bridge to Terabithia," Katherine Paterson / «Bridge to Terabithia» Katherine Paterson book tells the sincere friendship of two children. The life of an ordinary child of Jesse simple poor families suddenly burst unusual girl Leslie. And together they became the rulers of fairyland.

«Mary Poppins" Pamela Travers /
«Mary Poppins» Pamela Travers fantastic story-the tale of a wonderful nurse and part-witch that appears in families with children in need of care and attention. Mary Poppins is a common language not only with children, she still understands the language of birds, fish and animals

«Coraline» Neil Gaiman /
«Coraline» Neil Gaiman Coraline Small with his mother and father moved to an old house inhabited by tenants rather strange. In the far corner of the room she finds a large locked door, opens it and finds himself in an apartment that looks no different from her own. Almost no different.

«Black Beauty» Anna Sewell /
«Black Beauty» Anna Sewell history horse told her own. Black beauties called him for an excellent article and resin color. It's a children's book that adults may seem too simple in meaning, but to learn a language with it - a pleasure

«The Wizard of Oz" by Frank Baum / «The Marvelous Land of Oz»
L. Frank Baum terrible storm carries Dorothy girl in a magical land, where it will have to meet with a powerful witch. This is the first book of a great cycle. Read not read!

«Monster on the first floor," Diane Jones / «The Ogre Downstairs» Diana Wynne Jones Mom little Casper, Johnny and Gwen married an evil and brutal Jack, who seems to be the children monster. But then Jack gives them a set for young chemists, and the children know that they can fly, disappear and do other miracles.

«Northern Lights» Philip Pullman /
«Northern Lights» Philip Pullman Other title of the book - «The Golden Compass». It's a little harder to book the rest of our list: you may have more time to look in the dictionary. This is a book about the adventures of an orphan Lyra's Oxford, about the great friendship and even the tragic first love.
Preview: Kristina Vardazaryan
via kristinavart.tumblr.com/post/121821859249/at-the-bookstore
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