Happiness - it's the word "now"

Website loves of writer Victor Pelevin. Well, as you can not love after such words
Happiness - is a term that itself explains This may be a folk etymology, but "happiness." - This is from the word "now! ". What does it mean? Here is a picture from the magazine - three pictures side by side. Man sitting at a computer and thinking about golf. Man playing golf, and thinks about sex. Man has sex, and thinking about the computer. A vicious circle.
So, happiness - is when you completely in the now, and not somewhere else. If we discard the physical pain, our suffering fabricated mind of thoughts about the past and the future. But there will always be enough material to make us miserable, because in the future - death, but in the past - all that made it inevitable
. Unhappiness - "non-seychaste" - a state of mind, states that life is a failure yesterday and tomorrow is unlikely. If you forget it, to get where you are, and as Nabokov put it, "you know your present moment" - this is happiness, that is almost always available
. This "secret freedom" Pushkin - it is about this poem, not "about nature." Such happiness neither of whom is independent and no one can take away. But for it to go into battle is not something that every day and every second. This, of course, a paradox, because there is no fight with anyone and win the battle in the moment when you remember that it is necessary to go.
Regarding the fact that it is necessary to fix the world - that it is a "non-seychaste" in itself. Everything else will correct itself because it does not exist anywhere except in my head. . Here and devastation, and efficient management, and all the other horrors
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