The nature of each sign of the zodiac in three sayings. Each - to the point!
"Go there, do not know where, bring it, I do not know that." Only Aries is able to cope with this task. Especially if there is an incentive!
"Nothing's over for someone who is alive." Aries does not break! As if his life was not beaten, he will always be able to get out of a difficult situation.
"Head without ardor - is like a barren tree." This entire Aries - his peculiar manifestation of passion, strong emotion and impulsivity
"Overseas heifer - mite, but the ruble transportation." Taurus does not like to be disturbed, especially in trifles, and even sent somewhere against his will. He will find a thousand reasons to stay in place. It is difficult to convince.
"Life is not measured in years, and works." Taureans love and know how to work. They are very important to see the result of their labors, then they will have an even greater incentive to achieve something.
"To find here, and there is not to lose." Taurus is very practical and clever, so it is always trying not to miss the benefit, or better yet, find a double benefit! He is able to calculate and analyze.
"All that is done - for the better." Gemini by nature optimists, so any failure they perceive as an experience and an incentive to go on.
"It is better to see a lot of, a lot of what to live." Representatives of this sign are very inquisitive. They value experience, not stability, so eager to live life so that was something to remember.
"Throw him into the sea - will come up with a fish in his mouth." Gemini - lucky. They are lucky in trade negotiations. They are fast, agile and resourceful, and so are very tenacious!
"My home is my castle". House for most cancers - a sacred place. That home they can truly relax and be yourself.
"It is better to go but to sit down on the way, they escape and lie down." Crawfish - nature cautious and careful, and besides, still and slow. Therefore, they try not to take unceremoniously, and patience, endurance.
"Velvet whole and zhaltse there." Many Cancers seem defenseless, white and fluffy. But there comes a moment when they show their sting.
"In the swamp quiet, but bad to live there." No lion shall make to live a quiet, measured and gray life. Around them have to be a holiday, brightness, music and people.
"Afraid of wolves - in the woods not to go." Lions are very brave, and they despise cowards. The representatives of this zodiac sign are often at risk of not thinking about the consequences.
"Who goes to the big things, not looking back at the dog barking." This is a typical worldview Lions. They enjoy recognition and respect, adore when they appreciate and admire them. But when it comes to criticism, they just do not take it in his address.
"No living things - the sky's smoke." This virgin can not live without work. She is ready to work hard to achieve their goals.
"They say at random, and you take on the mind." Virgin - a gray cardinals. They all notices, everyone notices. They have an excellent memory and an analytical mind.
"Seven times measure cut once". This saying reveals the approach of the majority Dev. Before to start something, they will consider and analyze a hundred times.
"Well, where we do not". Many Libra seems that where there are none, better and more fun, so they are always somewhere pulls.
"It will be, will be. A will not have something be done. " This proverb speaks of doubting nature of Libra. They find it difficult to make decisions.
"Sometimes to escape - then win." The balance is not something to briefs, they just think that sometimes is to escape from the conflict not to develop it further. After all, they are the peacemakers, the war and the struggle is not for them.
"An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth". Scorpions are very vindictive and vengeful. They will not rest until their abuser will not be as painful as they.
"Trust and lives lost only once." Trust representatives of this constellation is expensive. If you lost it, you do not expect to get back.
"Make all you can, and the rest of Leave it to fate." The Scorpions sit and a perfectionist who is trying to do everything perfectly, and a fatalist, believing in fate.
"Life is like the moon: the full, then on the wane." This saying is most likely related to the financial side of life Sagittarius. That thick, it is empty.
"Nimble climb up on top of the mountain, and the bottom will be awkward." Archers - lucky and the Dodgers. Some unknown force drives them and helps to achieve the pinnacle of success.
"Without truth to live - with white light to escape." Sagittarians consider themselves fighters for the truth. But as you can sometimes lie for effect.
"Patience and a little effort". Capricorn - very hardy, persistent and hardworking. They brought everything to perfection and because of their obstinacy and patience, making progress. So where Gemini and Sagittarius can not take victory for his good luck and fast thrash responsible and strategically minded Capricorn.
"Live every one his good, but the hump." Capricorns are all accustomed themselves to achieve, in debt give is not very fond of, so appreciate those who, just as they live their hump.
"Water wears away the stone." Patience and perseverance Capricorns can only envy!
"With the wolves live - a wolf howl." Aquarians tend to sink to the level of any, and to find a common language with anyone. In their surroundings you can find people of absolutely different social strata and income and all are on the same wavelength.
"Bear in the woods, and the skin is sold." Most Aquarius - big dreamers. They build grandiose plans, but realize they are not in a hurry.
"Even a fool can have any talent." It is no secret that many Aquarians reputation for being a sort of strange fools. Nevertheless, they are very talented and even genius.
"God punishes the favorite." True Fish are very religious, humble and willing to be a victim.
"To live a fun, but there is nothing." This folk wisdom suggests impracticality, frivolity representatives of this zodiac sign. They live in the present and not really think about the future.
"The brave die once, a coward - a thousand." Fish are not cowards. But many of them "die" more than a thousand times.
"Go there, do not know where, bring it, I do not know that." Only Aries is able to cope with this task. Especially if there is an incentive!
"Nothing's over for someone who is alive." Aries does not break! As if his life was not beaten, he will always be able to get out of a difficult situation.
"Head without ardor - is like a barren tree." This entire Aries - his peculiar manifestation of passion, strong emotion and impulsivity

"Overseas heifer - mite, but the ruble transportation." Taurus does not like to be disturbed, especially in trifles, and even sent somewhere against his will. He will find a thousand reasons to stay in place. It is difficult to convince.
"Life is not measured in years, and works." Taureans love and know how to work. They are very important to see the result of their labors, then they will have an even greater incentive to achieve something.
"To find here, and there is not to lose." Taurus is very practical and clever, so it is always trying not to miss the benefit, or better yet, find a double benefit! He is able to calculate and analyze.
"All that is done - for the better." Gemini by nature optimists, so any failure they perceive as an experience and an incentive to go on.
"It is better to see a lot of, a lot of what to live." Representatives of this sign are very inquisitive. They value experience, not stability, so eager to live life so that was something to remember.
"Throw him into the sea - will come up with a fish in his mouth." Gemini - lucky. They are lucky in trade negotiations. They are fast, agile and resourceful, and so are very tenacious!
"My home is my castle". House for most cancers - a sacred place. That home they can truly relax and be yourself.
"It is better to go but to sit down on the way, they escape and lie down." Crawfish - nature cautious and careful, and besides, still and slow. Therefore, they try not to take unceremoniously, and patience, endurance.
"Velvet whole and zhaltse there." Many Cancers seem defenseless, white and fluffy. But there comes a moment when they show their sting.
"In the swamp quiet, but bad to live there." No lion shall make to live a quiet, measured and gray life. Around them have to be a holiday, brightness, music and people.
"Afraid of wolves - in the woods not to go." Lions are very brave, and they despise cowards. The representatives of this zodiac sign are often at risk of not thinking about the consequences.
"Who goes to the big things, not looking back at the dog barking." This is a typical worldview Lions. They enjoy recognition and respect, adore when they appreciate and admire them. But when it comes to criticism, they just do not take it in his address.
"No living things - the sky's smoke." This virgin can not live without work. She is ready to work hard to achieve their goals.
"They say at random, and you take on the mind." Virgin - a gray cardinals. They all notices, everyone notices. They have an excellent memory and an analytical mind.
"Seven times measure cut once". This saying reveals the approach of the majority Dev. Before to start something, they will consider and analyze a hundred times.
"Well, where we do not". Many Libra seems that where there are none, better and more fun, so they are always somewhere pulls.
"It will be, will be. A will not have something be done. " This proverb speaks of doubting nature of Libra. They find it difficult to make decisions.
"Sometimes to escape - then win." The balance is not something to briefs, they just think that sometimes is to escape from the conflict not to develop it further. After all, they are the peacemakers, the war and the struggle is not for them.
"An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth". Scorpions are very vindictive and vengeful. They will not rest until their abuser will not be as painful as they.
"Trust and lives lost only once." Trust representatives of this constellation is expensive. If you lost it, you do not expect to get back.
"Make all you can, and the rest of Leave it to fate." The Scorpions sit and a perfectionist who is trying to do everything perfectly, and a fatalist, believing in fate.
"Life is like the moon: the full, then on the wane." This saying is most likely related to the financial side of life Sagittarius. That thick, it is empty.
"Nimble climb up on top of the mountain, and the bottom will be awkward." Archers - lucky and the Dodgers. Some unknown force drives them and helps to achieve the pinnacle of success.
"Without truth to live - with white light to escape." Sagittarians consider themselves fighters for the truth. But as you can sometimes lie for effect.
"Patience and a little effort". Capricorn - very hardy, persistent and hardworking. They brought everything to perfection and because of their obstinacy and patience, making progress. So where Gemini and Sagittarius can not take victory for his good luck and fast thrash responsible and strategically minded Capricorn.
"Live every one his good, but the hump." Capricorns are all accustomed themselves to achieve, in debt give is not very fond of, so appreciate those who, just as they live their hump.
"Water wears away the stone." Patience and perseverance Capricorns can only envy!
"With the wolves live - a wolf howl." Aquarians tend to sink to the level of any, and to find a common language with anyone. In their surroundings you can find people of absolutely different social strata and income and all are on the same wavelength.
"Bear in the woods, and the skin is sold." Most Aquarius - big dreamers. They build grandiose plans, but realize they are not in a hurry.
"Even a fool can have any talent." It is no secret that many Aquarians reputation for being a sort of strange fools. Nevertheless, they are very talented and even genius.
"God punishes the favorite." True Fish are very religious, humble and willing to be a victim.
"To live a fun, but there is nothing." This folk wisdom suggests impracticality, frivolity representatives of this zodiac sign. They live in the present and not really think about the future.
"The brave die once, a coward - a thousand." Fish are not cowards. But many of them "die" more than a thousand times.