The Japanese showed the first electric car without batteries

In Japan, we held a public trial the world's first electric vehicle that can travel without recharging, if traveling on a special roadway - the energy it receives directly from him. On Friday announced Toyohashi University of Technology and construction company Taisei Corporation, who co-created this machine.

Single prototype of the electric car is tested on a special test site. According to Tass, in tires he is a special steel mesh, which gets its power from two steel plates stacked under a layer of asphalt to a depth of 10 cm. At the landfill was built 30-meter stretch of a road on her electric vehicle is moved at a speed of 10 km / hour.
Developers machines believe that in the future may be cost-effective to build a dedicated roads immersed in painting equipment, transmitting electricity. Or it is possible to equip already existing in Japan dense network of highways. According to him electric cars could travel economically with disabled batteries, leading them into action only on ordinary roads.