"Resentment little critter, seemingly quite harmless ..." philosophical parable

Site again turns to one of our favorite genre - the genre of the parable. This short story remind you of how important it is to forgive each druga.Obida little critter, seemingly quite harmless. If handled properly and brings no harm. If you do not try to domesticate it, hurt perfectly lived in the wild and no one touches.
But all attempts to recover it ends in failure ... This small animal is small and nimble, may accidentally get into the body of any person. Man, it feels right. He gets hurt.
Small animal man begins to scream: "I accidentally got caught! Let me out! I have here is dark and scary! Let go! "But people have long forgotten how to understand the language of animals. There are those who just let resentment until it is small - it the best way to say goodbye with her
. But there are those who would not want to let go of her. They immediately called her and his rush with her as with a written sack. Constantly thinking about it, take care ... And she still did not like in a man.
She turns, seeking a way out, but as she had poor eyesight, she could not find a way out. Such is the unlucky small mammal. And the people, too, was moved with compassion ... all, and would not let resentment.
A small animal, the hungry, want to eat - that begins to slowly eat, it will. And one feels it. That it hurts, here ... but does not release the person from the offense itself. Because I'm used to it. And she eats and grows ... is inside a person-button lint, and gnawing sticks. So they say: "Resentment Eating»
. And eventually grows to something in the human body and against his will becomes part of it. Wilt man begins to be ill, and resentment inside continues to grow ... And never occurred to the man that just have to -! < to take offense and release And she no man better, and a man without it easier to live ...
< br> The moral: Offense - a state of mind. In fact, we ourselves decide to be offended. And the next time you want to take offense, consider this: is it really so nice to feel sorry for yourself? Predator always feels weak and attacks on him. No wonder people say: "At offended carry water." Let go of resentment, let them run!
via fit4brain.com/1300
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