It's official: 75% of the popular sausages in Russia - a fake!

Co-Chair of consumers 'Roskontrol' Union Alexander Borisov said that 75% of the popular sausages in Russia are counterfeit. Site publishes podrobnosti.Po According to Borisov, in a study of 33 items cooked and smoked and semi-smoked sausages popular brands in the country revealed that 25 of them do not meet the quality requirements. The expert pointed violations of virtually every sample.
"Marking GOST, as well as other quality labels, traditionally perceived as a kind of guarantee, it is consumer confidence. Meanwhile, the results of our program, "Quality Control" shows that regular quality control as there was no and no. Unscrupulous manufacturers manipulate mark GOST, and thus their products do not meet the declared standards, "- Borisov said
During the study Consumers Union histological examination did not pass the test in 2/3 specimens.. cheap substitutes samples of beef and pork (soy protein and collagen, mechanically deboned poultry meat, and animal skins) were found, starch, cellulose, humectants (carrageenan), not declared in the composition, the expert pointed out. These supplements reduce the nutritional value of the product and reduce its cost, he added.
The samples withstood histological examination have been checked for protein content, and phosphate salts. "Studies have shown that the mass fraction of protein - the most important indicator for meat products - sausages are much smaller than the lower limits set by GOST for this type of sausage. In addition, some sausages so much salt that it is enough just to eat 70-80 grams of the product to cover the daily requirement of man in sodium ", - said the expert
. via rns.online/consumer-market/Roskontrol-zayavil-chto-75-populyarnih-v-Rossii-kolbasnih-izdelii-yavlyayutsya-falsifikatom-2016-03-10/