Miy lyubuy
< Tanya Volkovska
I'll go to heaven i zustrіnus there with You,
Zaspіvayut us pіsnyu OAO All svyatії mertsі.
Zaviruє Hvilya nebesneє sea,
Hovayuchi we have svoїy glibinі.
Dwellers axis so you bachiti infections i here
I Fought s left gnіvu on arenі,
Bouley there slit zazdrіst, gordіst that fornication.
The I-axis at a time I'm with You on stsenі.
Spіvaєmo arіyu souls died,
Shcho spoglyadayut on you nochi i dnі.
Lunayut їh guchnії applause
OOO All stink of I Tobi. So, Tobi-Tobi!
Yakbi people Hoca used uyavlyali,
Yak everything dієtsya, scho for that denote,
That hour nіkoli b vtrachali not stink,
Mіrkuyuchi "Yak in TSOMU svіtі, hto that for kim?»
Leather bi Spіshiv its arena,
Think about bi tіlki svoї words,
Having overcome bi 100, and the second in 1000 levіv,
Bo Road to You zanadto steep.
That nіhto navіt pillows vvіmknuti not Hoca,
Catching slіpі OAO All, i gluhі nіmі.
Leather itself sobі pid burmoche nose:
"Nіkogo there zverhu Absent, mi samі here. Samі, SAMІ! »
From i Circulate stink odinokі,
Led River vіdkrivayuchi svoї mouth.
Led River-Led River roblyachi malenkії sketch,
Yak is rosіyskoyu "Out to Nowhere»
Well Skіlki shansіv otrimuyut People
Total svoє zemneє Zhittya?
100? 200? 300? Mіlyoni?
Mi otrimuєm їh without kіntsya!
Of I will not go vіdmovki,
Sebti, the CCB did not I, you won ...
Bolyache znіmutsya OAO All nashі Schork,
Bowl True dop'єmo to the bottom.
I'll go to heaven i zustrіnus there with You,
Zaspіvayut us pіsnyu OAO All svyatії mertsі.
Zaviruє Hvilya nebesneє sea,
Hovayuchi we have svoїy glibinі.
Dwellers axis so you bachiti infections i here
I Fought s left gnіvu on arenі,
Bouley there slit zazdrіst, gordіst that fornication.
The I-axis at a time I'm with You on stsenі.
Spіvaєmo arіyu souls died,
Shcho spoglyadayut on you nochi i dnі.
Lunayut їh guchnії applause
OOO All stink of I Tobi. So, Tobi-Tobi!
Yakbi people Hoca used uyavlyali,
Yak everything dієtsya, scho for that denote,
That hour nіkoli b vtrachali not stink,
Mіrkuyuchi "Yak in TSOMU svіtі, hto that for kim?»
Leather bi Spіshiv its arena,
Think about bi tіlki svoї words,
Having overcome bi 100, and the second in 1000 levіv,
Bo Road to You zanadto steep.
That nіhto navіt pillows vvіmknuti not Hoca,
Catching slіpі OAO All, i gluhі nіmі.
Leather itself sobі pid burmoche nose:
"Nіkogo there zverhu Absent, mi samі here. Samі, SAMІ! »
From i Circulate stink odinokі,
Led River vіdkrivayuchi svoї mouth.
Led River-Led River roblyachi malenkії sketch,
Yak is rosіyskoyu "Out to Nowhere»
Well Skіlki shansіv otrimuyut People
Total svoє zemneє Zhittya?
100? 200? 300? Mіlyoni?
Mi otrimuєm їh without kіntsya!
Of I will not go vіdmovki,
Sebti, the CCB did not I, you won ...
Bolyache znіmutsya OAO All nashі Schork,
Bowl True dop'єmo to the bottom.
My father, the most honest of the rules, I believe that everything is possible