✔Uchenye who have studied the composition and nutritional value of the plants, were amazed by the variety and tubers contained vitamins and trace elements. It is found for example, that of vitamin C and B complex in Jerusalem artichoke 2 times larger than in the potato!
✔O vitamin B1 (thiamine) deserves mention. H
be ordered his optimistic, because it supports a good mood and well-being, relieves fatigue, nervousness and irritability, builds an appetite, improves digestion, regulates the work of the stomach. Thiamine does not accumulate in the body, it is not postponed "in reserve". He is in a large number of children is required in the period of intensive growth, especially if they eat a lot of sugar and flour products. At deficiency of thiamine man constantly feels fatigue, nervousness, depression, his deteriorating memory, sleep, "jumps" pressure.
Jerusalem artichoke tubers have ✔V potassium, zinc, iron, mineral salts, phosphorus (in higher doses than in beet and carrot). Furthermore, aneurine rich artichoke contains nitrogenous compound (2.4%), fiber (about 2%), proteins (from 2 to 4%), sugar, and 20% carbohydrate. Main - polysaccharide inulin - a substance that the body is cleaved to fructose, so necessary not only diabetics but also for healthy adults and children. Inulin is a perfect substitute starch and sugar.
✔Topinambur accumulate in the tubers record amount of assimilable organic silicon, magnesium, essential amino acids.
Miracles, which creates Sweet
✔Issledovaniya showed: the systematic use of artichoke is not only reduced blood sugar levels but also improve vision
. Sunflower tuber useful in the treatment of gout, kidney stone disease, gastrointestinal disorders, anemia. It reduces the concentration of blood glucose and cholesterol, normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolism, displays the body of radionuclides, heavy metals; It increases efficiency and vitality of the body; regulates heart rhythm, improves metabolism in atherosclerosis, obesity.
List the medical virtues of Jerusalem artichoke is endless! It is recommended for:
• heavy physical and psycho-emotional stress, decreased performance and fatigue;
• prevention and treatment of acute and chronic infectious diseases;
• work with an increased risk profporazheniya (microwave radiation, radionuclides, heavy metals, organic toxicants);
• living in environmentally disadvantaged areas habitat;
• the likely impact of carcinogens through environmental sources (for the prevention of tumors).
Most often eat artichoke, and you raise hemoglobin, lower cholesterol in the blood and gastric acidity; normal formation of bile, as well as slow down the deposition of salts in the joints in gout and the presence of stones in the liver, kidneys, bladder. Jerusalem artichoke displays the body of toxic and radioactive substances, prevents the development of malignant tumors, relieves swelling of cardiac and renal origin, strengthens the motor function of the intestine with constipation, increases immunity (immunity) to tuberculosis and many other infectious and inflammatory diseases.
Jerusalem artichoke is also used in:
• abnormal liver function;
• gastric ulcer;
• pancreatitis;
• urolithiasis;
• hypertension; arthritis;
• obesity;
• as a mild laxative.
The chemical composition of green mass and tubers Jerusalem artichoke can be used as a remedy, which efficacy can be equated to the golden root (Rhodiola rosea), but with a longer period of treatment. Jerusalem artichoke is available to everyone, and in the case of brute force is absolutely safe. It is, according to some experts, prevents heart attack and stroke. However, if you suffer from increased blood clotting, you should observe some caution.