Eat the artichoke as a vegetable, so it was not necessary to use as medicine
I belong to the gardeners who love the garden and try to grow more flowers and fruits. So I regularly read Newspapers on gardening. Every year in various publications I've seen articles about the Jerusalem artichoke. Put him in the garden as a new culture but in food are not often used.
The Jerusalem artichoke has a drawback: the tubers are sweetish to the taste. They offered to cook and fry, but the taste they are inferior to potatoes. Most often we have added Jerusalem artichokes to the salad. According to scientists, this valuable vitamin and medical product. But we soon forgot about the artichoke, and he grew up with us in the form of a hedge along the fence. Remember the artichoke made life rather unpleasant disease — diabetes (as the saying goes, ”the itch”). With age, I began to feel worse and once the doctors told me that without injections, tablets I can't live. Medication depended on the amount of sugar in the blood that should have been strictly control. That's when I again drew attention to the Jerusalem artichoke. In the literature it is argued that the constant consumption of Jerusalem artichoke has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism in people with diabetes. Indeed, my analysis became better, and my health condition also improved. Thanks to the curative properties of artichoke dose of medication has been reduced. This gave me optimism: still a natural product is more useful than chemistry. Once at the doctor he told me that if I had used the artichoke regularly, it's possible that the diabetes I have developed. So I advise everyone: eat the artichoke as a vegetable, so it was not necessary to use as medicine. Now I was looking at the Jerusalem artichoke with love. Began to care for him properly. From shady corner planted in a bright place. In each hole put a handful of compost and ash. Suggest to use mineral fertilizers, but I'm against it — the medicine is supposed to be environmentally friendly. Over the summer a couple of times to hill Jerusalem artichokes like potatoes. In drought watered. In addition, fed plant extract herb. With such care stems rose, a hand thick and rose to a height of 2.5 meters. Imagine my surprise when in the fall I dug up the tubers are smaller, no good potatoes! That means proper farming! And in most gardens, the Jerusalem artichoke grows like a weed. Naturally, he gives small tubers. The content of iron, silicon and zinc, Jerusalem artichoke is superior to potatoes, carrots and beets. The inulin that is part of the Jerusalem artichoke, indispensable for patients with diabetes. Part of the inulin, the remaining undigested and is excreted. The inulin captures with heavy metals, radionuclides, crystals of cholesterol, fatty acids, and various toxic chemical compounds. In fact, it cleans our body. Artichoke — No. 1 product for diabetics. With long-term inclusion in the daily diet, the blood sugar is normalized. Jerusalem artichokes well help your eyes in the event of a deterioration of vision. It is indispensable in diseases of the heart and blood vessels: atherosclerosis, tachycardia, coronary heart disease, hypertension, gout and cystitis and urolithiasis. The artichoke was forced to retreat obesity, salt deposits, protects against heart attack, stroke and improve overall health. Compresses of boiled tubers help the aching joints. A slurry of the raw tubers is one of the most effective means for the treatment of burns. Benefit of artichoke is that it is the first vegetable that can be eaten fresh straight from the garden. As soon as the soil thawed out, I dig the tubers out of the ground and include it in their diet therapy. In winter, when tubers I take an infusion of dried leaves. Unfortunately, the Jerusalem artichoke is poorly stored. But if you want the storage time can be extended. For this purpose the tubers should be dried well (in the wind, but not for long). Then wrap in heavy paper (not in package) and put into the refrigerator, and even better — in a dry cellar. In the end, Jerusalem artichoke can be easily frozen. Recipes: 1. Arthritis and gout to the joints apply the boiled tubers. In osteochondrosis, calcification, bursitis, vascular disorders and conditions after injuries of musculoskeletal system recommended bath with the crushed leaves of Jerusalem artichoke. Adult sufficient to make an infusion of 3 litres of water and 8-10 leaves of adult plants. To insist 30 minutes and strain. By the time this bath should not exceed 10-15 minutes. For the full course of treatment is 8 baths. 2. Artichoke wrinkles. For maximum effect you need to make a mask of grated Jerusalem artichoke for 15-20 minutes in a month once in 2-3 days. The skin becomes smooth, it returns the elasticity. If the skin is dry, the mask adding a few drops of olive oil, and it is better hemp or Flaxseed. 3. The infusion of the flowers of Jerusalem artichoke. It is useful for anemia and colds. Collect them in September, cutting under the head. 1 table. a spoonful of dried flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist night. Strain and drink half a Cup four times per day; duration of treatment course — 10 days. 4. Pickled Jerusalem artichoke ”spicy”. On one Bank: Jerusalem artichoke, 1 pod of red hot pepper, 10 pieces of black pepper, dill, leaves of black currant. For the marinade: 1 l water, 100 g sugar, 50 g Apple vinegar, 50 g of salt. Cut the Jerusalem artichokes twice pour boiling brine, pour the vinegar, roll up. published Author: T. E. Grishanina, N. Novgorod, Russia P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: sadovymir.ru/article/?ELEMENT_ID=2678&SECTION_ID=114

The Jerusalem artichoke has a drawback: the tubers are sweetish to the taste. They offered to cook and fry, but the taste they are inferior to potatoes. Most often we have added Jerusalem artichokes to the salad. According to scientists, this valuable vitamin and medical product. But we soon forgot about the artichoke, and he grew up with us in the form of a hedge along the fence. Remember the artichoke made life rather unpleasant disease — diabetes (as the saying goes, ”the itch”). With age, I began to feel worse and once the doctors told me that without injections, tablets I can't live. Medication depended on the amount of sugar in the blood that should have been strictly control. That's when I again drew attention to the Jerusalem artichoke. In the literature it is argued that the constant consumption of Jerusalem artichoke has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism in people with diabetes. Indeed, my analysis became better, and my health condition also improved. Thanks to the curative properties of artichoke dose of medication has been reduced. This gave me optimism: still a natural product is more useful than chemistry. Once at the doctor he told me that if I had used the artichoke regularly, it's possible that the diabetes I have developed. So I advise everyone: eat the artichoke as a vegetable, so it was not necessary to use as medicine. Now I was looking at the Jerusalem artichoke with love. Began to care for him properly. From shady corner planted in a bright place. In each hole put a handful of compost and ash. Suggest to use mineral fertilizers, but I'm against it — the medicine is supposed to be environmentally friendly. Over the summer a couple of times to hill Jerusalem artichokes like potatoes. In drought watered. In addition, fed plant extract herb. With such care stems rose, a hand thick and rose to a height of 2.5 meters. Imagine my surprise when in the fall I dug up the tubers are smaller, no good potatoes! That means proper farming! And in most gardens, the Jerusalem artichoke grows like a weed. Naturally, he gives small tubers. The content of iron, silicon and zinc, Jerusalem artichoke is superior to potatoes, carrots and beets. The inulin that is part of the Jerusalem artichoke, indispensable for patients with diabetes. Part of the inulin, the remaining undigested and is excreted. The inulin captures with heavy metals, radionuclides, crystals of cholesterol, fatty acids, and various toxic chemical compounds. In fact, it cleans our body. Artichoke — No. 1 product for diabetics. With long-term inclusion in the daily diet, the blood sugar is normalized. Jerusalem artichokes well help your eyes in the event of a deterioration of vision. It is indispensable in diseases of the heart and blood vessels: atherosclerosis, tachycardia, coronary heart disease, hypertension, gout and cystitis and urolithiasis. The artichoke was forced to retreat obesity, salt deposits, protects against heart attack, stroke and improve overall health. Compresses of boiled tubers help the aching joints. A slurry of the raw tubers is one of the most effective means for the treatment of burns. Benefit of artichoke is that it is the first vegetable that can be eaten fresh straight from the garden. As soon as the soil thawed out, I dig the tubers out of the ground and include it in their diet therapy. In winter, when tubers I take an infusion of dried leaves. Unfortunately, the Jerusalem artichoke is poorly stored. But if you want the storage time can be extended. For this purpose the tubers should be dried well (in the wind, but not for long). Then wrap in heavy paper (not in package) and put into the refrigerator, and even better — in a dry cellar. In the end, Jerusalem artichoke can be easily frozen. Recipes: 1. Arthritis and gout to the joints apply the boiled tubers. In osteochondrosis, calcification, bursitis, vascular disorders and conditions after injuries of musculoskeletal system recommended bath with the crushed leaves of Jerusalem artichoke. Adult sufficient to make an infusion of 3 litres of water and 8-10 leaves of adult plants. To insist 30 minutes and strain. By the time this bath should not exceed 10-15 minutes. For the full course of treatment is 8 baths. 2. Artichoke wrinkles. For maximum effect you need to make a mask of grated Jerusalem artichoke for 15-20 minutes in a month once in 2-3 days. The skin becomes smooth, it returns the elasticity. If the skin is dry, the mask adding a few drops of olive oil, and it is better hemp or Flaxseed. 3. The infusion of the flowers of Jerusalem artichoke. It is useful for anemia and colds. Collect them in September, cutting under the head. 1 table. a spoonful of dried flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist night. Strain and drink half a Cup four times per day; duration of treatment course — 10 days. 4. Pickled Jerusalem artichoke ”spicy”. On one Bank: Jerusalem artichoke, 1 pod of red hot pepper, 10 pieces of black pepper, dill, leaves of black currant. For the marinade: 1 l water, 100 g sugar, 50 g Apple vinegar, 50 g of salt. Cut the Jerusalem artichokes twice pour boiling brine, pour the vinegar, roll up. published Author: T. E. Grishanina, N. Novgorod, Russia P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: sadovymir.ru/article/?ELEMENT_ID=2678&SECTION_ID=114