The body was not easy! Brother secret is to learn...
Jerusalem artichoke (aka artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke) — a close relative of the familiar sunflower. Inconspicuous plant, which have become common in almost all home gardens.
However, this product brings huge benefits to the body. Experts have found that the artichoke is the most sustainable plant for various kind of harmful substances and any landfill transforms into an oasis. For example, the tubers grown even in the Chernobyl zone, safe and they can be safely eaten.
How to use topinambura a root boosts immunity and improves the blood, reduces blood pressure and blood sugar levels, normalizes the work of the pancreas. To preserve all useful substances of the artichoke, of course, it is better to eat it raw, adding it to salads and vinaigrettes.
In addition to the various micro - and macroelement, Jerusalem artichoke contains inulin, which is not absorbed in the intestine and increases the level of insulin, but is converted in the body into fructose. Thanks to the Jerusalem artichoke syrup is the best sweetener for diabetics and dieters.
Syrup from Jerusalem artichoke
Syrup from Jerusalem artichoke is easy to cook at home. For this purpose the tubers should be well washed, peel and chop using a blender or grinder. From the resulting slurry squeeze the juice and heat it to 50 degrees. Maintain this temperature for 5-7 minutes, then take from fire and cool it.
Repeat heating another 3-4 times until the liquid thickens, at the last stage of cooling add lemon juice to taste. Keep the workpiece in the refrigerator tightly sealed.
Sweet tooth to lose weight, it is recommended to completely eliminate from the diet sugar, replacing it with this syrup. And to reduce appetite and food intake, respectively, drank 1 tbsp of syrup an hour before Breakfast and an hour after dinner.
The use of syrup accelerates the carbohydrate and fat metabolism, thus helps to reduce weight. But we should not expect speedy weight loss. Extra pounds will melt gradually as they improve metabolism, but the first results are seen after 15 days.
Contraindications the product has little, except cholelithiasis and hypersensitive. So to use this amazing root can be almost everything.
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The author
Marina Artemova Loves to photograph the beauty of nature, enjoys handmade. Son Vanya had taught the mother to cope with any household tasks effortlessly: Marina knows how to get the most stubborn stains and to clean the house in minutes. Interested in the most acute, various life issues, never remain aloof from what actually matters! Favorite book Marina — "gone with the wind" by M. Mitchell.

However, this product brings huge benefits to the body. Experts have found that the artichoke is the most sustainable plant for various kind of harmful substances and any landfill transforms into an oasis. For example, the tubers grown even in the Chernobyl zone, safe and they can be safely eaten.

How to use topinambura a root boosts immunity and improves the blood, reduces blood pressure and blood sugar levels, normalizes the work of the pancreas. To preserve all useful substances of the artichoke, of course, it is better to eat it raw, adding it to salads and vinaigrettes.

In addition to the various micro - and macroelement, Jerusalem artichoke contains inulin, which is not absorbed in the intestine and increases the level of insulin, but is converted in the body into fructose. Thanks to the Jerusalem artichoke syrup is the best sweetener for diabetics and dieters.

Syrup from Jerusalem artichoke
- Lowers "bad" cholesterol.
- Reduces swelling, useful high blood pressure.
- Strengthens the heart and blood vessels.
- Restores the disturbed metabolism.
- Eliminates heartburn and improves digestion, eliminates the effects of antibiotics.
- Displays the body of excess salt and harmful compounds.
Syrup from Jerusalem artichoke is easy to cook at home. For this purpose the tubers should be well washed, peel and chop using a blender or grinder. From the resulting slurry squeeze the juice and heat it to 50 degrees. Maintain this temperature for 5-7 minutes, then take from fire and cool it.
Repeat heating another 3-4 times until the liquid thickens, at the last stage of cooling add lemon juice to taste. Keep the workpiece in the refrigerator tightly sealed.

Sweet tooth to lose weight, it is recommended to completely eliminate from the diet sugar, replacing it with this syrup. And to reduce appetite and food intake, respectively, drank 1 tbsp of syrup an hour before Breakfast and an hour after dinner.
The use of syrup accelerates the carbohydrate and fat metabolism, thus helps to reduce weight. But we should not expect speedy weight loss. Extra pounds will melt gradually as they improve metabolism, but the first results are seen after 15 days.
Contraindications the product has little, except cholelithiasis and hypersensitive. So to use this amazing root can be almost everything.
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The author

Marina Artemova Loves to photograph the beauty of nature, enjoys handmade. Son Vanya had taught the mother to cope with any household tasks effortlessly: Marina knows how to get the most stubborn stains and to clean the house in minutes. Interested in the most acute, various life issues, never remain aloof from what actually matters! Favorite book Marina — "gone with the wind" by M. Mitchell.
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