People are waiting for the Messiah
< Allar
People are waiting for the Messiah. Togo, who will lead them somewhere, tell you what to do, how to think, what to breathe. Most interesting is that the same Messiah comes. Each individually. But the people is somehow not noticed. After all, he is not the person to the promised land. He leads man to himself. And it shows what he really is. Not the picture that this man draws to himself and others, namely the inner, primordial essence. And here is the funny thing happens. The man who was waiting for something, and eager to something to learn about yourself, understand something, go somewhere, suddenly flatly refuses to believe. Show him wildly like. For it is not he. In the sense that we are already so used to create a picture of yourself to others, that do not just believe in it. It has become our second "I". But only a second. And then, the first thing that is so deep and so pounded, crushed, strangled, and safely, and society, and in the first place itself, because it is not going away. It is with sad irony is watching what is evolving its shell.
And she still evolving. And the next step will be the development of homo homo image. For this is the trend of development of our society. What is more important - the person or his image? What's more profitable - to do something or show a picture of how it is done? It is clear that the picture is to show attractive from all angles. Because, simply put, one farmer can feed 100 people, and the same picture on it looks billion. This already does not matter what a person actually or how good the product is produced. It is important to picture quality, its market component and mass consumer audience. And gentlemen, image-makers working in the sweat of his brow, creating the appropriate time and situation, images, and we are involved in this process as they grow older. There is one subtlety. The created image should be as simple and understandable to everyone. Solid and monolithic. Bulletproof. Versatility is good, provided demonstrations to various target audiences. Otherwise it may happen image misperception. As a basis, an outline, so to say, each inclined to add your vision.
Well, for example. Never. Never, never, never. Never show a woman with whom you are in any relationship, its weakness. Any kind. In fairy tales, before the era of image it says that's even better. What is even cute, and if any weaknesses you look more human, or something. In fact, it is the beginning of the end. Beginning of the End of the relations that were so wonderful before. This will no longer EVER. There will be no trembling. Because somewhere, deep in the female subconscious, click the switch "can not-can" and starts counting down. From this moment it is just a matter of time. Stone fell. I went avalanche. And you are - more or less frequently, but be sure, test on a "weak" in a variety of situations. And the question is not whether, in 5, 8, or 9 times out of 10 you would be quite relevant, and, if anything, stronger. Here such arithmetic does not work. And, in any way, someday you laganesh. The question is just in cases when you do not pass the test. When someone, and the criticality of all, if the testing itself, would be in this situation is better or stronger. You've never be cause of sincere interest and subconscious trepidation. In all spheres of relations. And if this person will stay close to you, then by the financial, social, or even a relationship. Or just basic amenities. Or laziness. As a man, as an individual you have no interest. Passed stage. And about any sincerity in your relationship, you can safely forget.
But! After all, you (and all the time in this way was you) has become, perhaps, even better, stronger and in some cases even more varied. You're not standing still and developed. Never mind. Remember, the bugs have been found - the original perception of inconsistency pictures? And as a result of numerous tests discrepancy was confirmed verdict was final. A man can forgive a lot, up to abominations. Weakness - ever. Inconsistency draw a picture - in any case. For want absolute winner. Such is the law of natural selection.
Because this world is only a short-sighted can be considered masculine. It is true for women. Female from beginning to end. After all, what to aspire to and what to seek billions of men, but it really all that they do for themselves? Yah. The mass of men are not so demanding with regards to personal life and other joys of life. And they do it in order to appear more socially and sexually attractive in the eyes of someone clearly in the end. Such is the example of the global relaxed indirect manipulation.
Hey, big and strong! Quo Vadis?

People are waiting for the Messiah. Togo, who will lead them somewhere, tell you what to do, how to think, what to breathe. Most interesting is that the same Messiah comes. Each individually. But the people is somehow not noticed. After all, he is not the person to the promised land. He leads man to himself. And it shows what he really is. Not the picture that this man draws to himself and others, namely the inner, primordial essence. And here is the funny thing happens. The man who was waiting for something, and eager to something to learn about yourself, understand something, go somewhere, suddenly flatly refuses to believe. Show him wildly like. For it is not he. In the sense that we are already so used to create a picture of yourself to others, that do not just believe in it. It has become our second "I". But only a second. And then, the first thing that is so deep and so pounded, crushed, strangled, and safely, and society, and in the first place itself, because it is not going away. It is with sad irony is watching what is evolving its shell.
And she still evolving. And the next step will be the development of homo homo image. For this is the trend of development of our society. What is more important - the person or his image? What's more profitable - to do something or show a picture of how it is done? It is clear that the picture is to show attractive from all angles. Because, simply put, one farmer can feed 100 people, and the same picture on it looks billion. This already does not matter what a person actually or how good the product is produced. It is important to picture quality, its market component and mass consumer audience. And gentlemen, image-makers working in the sweat of his brow, creating the appropriate time and situation, images, and we are involved in this process as they grow older. There is one subtlety. The created image should be as simple and understandable to everyone. Solid and monolithic. Bulletproof. Versatility is good, provided demonstrations to various target audiences. Otherwise it may happen image misperception. As a basis, an outline, so to say, each inclined to add your vision.
Well, for example. Never. Never, never, never. Never show a woman with whom you are in any relationship, its weakness. Any kind. In fairy tales, before the era of image it says that's even better. What is even cute, and if any weaknesses you look more human, or something. In fact, it is the beginning of the end. Beginning of the End of the relations that were so wonderful before. This will no longer EVER. There will be no trembling. Because somewhere, deep in the female subconscious, click the switch "can not-can" and starts counting down. From this moment it is just a matter of time. Stone fell. I went avalanche. And you are - more or less frequently, but be sure, test on a "weak" in a variety of situations. And the question is not whether, in 5, 8, or 9 times out of 10 you would be quite relevant, and, if anything, stronger. Here such arithmetic does not work. And, in any way, someday you laganesh. The question is just in cases when you do not pass the test. When someone, and the criticality of all, if the testing itself, would be in this situation is better or stronger. You've never be cause of sincere interest and subconscious trepidation. In all spheres of relations. And if this person will stay close to you, then by the financial, social, or even a relationship. Or just basic amenities. Or laziness. As a man, as an individual you have no interest. Passed stage. And about any sincerity in your relationship, you can safely forget.
But! After all, you (and all the time in this way was you) has become, perhaps, even better, stronger and in some cases even more varied. You're not standing still and developed. Never mind. Remember, the bugs have been found - the original perception of inconsistency pictures? And as a result of numerous tests discrepancy was confirmed verdict was final. A man can forgive a lot, up to abominations. Weakness - ever. Inconsistency draw a picture - in any case. For want absolute winner. Such is the law of natural selection.
Because this world is only a short-sighted can be considered masculine. It is true for women. Female from beginning to end. After all, what to aspire to and what to seek billions of men, but it really all that they do for themselves? Yah. The mass of men are not so demanding with regards to personal life and other joys of life. And they do it in order to appear more socially and sexually attractive in the eyes of someone clearly in the end. Such is the example of the global relaxed indirect manipulation.
Hey, big and strong! Quo Vadis?