Power for the development of the spirit: where it goes life force

In human nutrition affects energy levels tremendously.
Meals - daily procedure,
which spent time, money, space and energy.
Ideally, food should be required to restore the energy level for the perfect functioning of the body
and give the opportunity to store energy.
Food products that reduce energy
Some people are more conservative and tend to stick to the view, which formed in the school and the family.
The formation of this point of view, going deep in my childhood, when parents decide everything for the child,
by recording the subconscious phrases like:
"Meat should be there," "Men need meat,"
"The meat has the necessary proteins and essential acid»,
"Our ancestors ate a lot of years of thermally processed food»
and so on.
Review and revision of this view is usually difficult to give in due to the low level of energy (or prana).
Low human energy level is directly related to nutritional food without prana.
This is the food that has undergone heat treatment and carries the power of death.
Expansion of the thermally processed food begins in the middle after 2 hours, when the rapid growth of bacteria begins there.
To stop the decomposition in such food preservatives are added,
and to give it a nice view, nice consistency,
enhance the taste and smell - emulsifiers, raising agents, flavor enhancers,
dyes, flavors, substitutes, salts, acids, alkalis.
A special place belongs to the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate
- He has the ability to cause addiction and dependence on delicious food
. Chemical additives are indicated by the letter E with
number (E.g., E-905c - paraffin, E-220 - sulfur dioxide).
Such chemically processed food sold in most convenience stores, supermarkets, markets:
canned foods, sauces, prepared foods, bakery and confectionery, dairy and meat products, fast food.
Chemical additives are poisons to the body,
change the chemical structure of the body,
It raises a number of complex and genetic diseases.
Meat and animal flesh also carries the power of death.
Moreover, there is the karmic consequences
- He killed himself, and then you can kill.
Any consumer of meat products is an accomplice of mass massacre.
live and dead food Foods treated with fire, frostbite, and sour rot loses prana,
because it can no longer linger in the dead body.
Man eating dead food, he becomes dead.
His life energy goes into food processing dead
and its effects on removal from the body.
Runny nose, mucus in the throat, nose and throat in the morning, cold, fever, rash
- All the consequences of dead food, removed the body in different ways.
When the body can no longer cope with the flow of food poisons,
there is a disease of the organs and systems that are most relaxed.
There are still "downside".
It is known by many, but are silent.
In one word - passion or addiction.
Dead food has the ability to cause an addiction to it.
That is why man is so hard to give up the familiar dead food.
Dead food does not saturate the body with energy.
Often, when you go to a live power there is no drowned hunger that causes almost physical pain and even cause a kind of withdrawal - withdrawal syndrome (or withdrawal).
I'd like to have!
I do not even eat - eat!
Does not matter that, as long as the usual heat-treated and nahimichennuyu food.
Blyudomaniya (craving for a variety of delicious food precooked) clearly falls under the description of one of the attachments - gluttony.
That is pleasing belly - food addiction
There are no forces in the realization of a dream?
Pass on live food, and immediately appear, and energy and power!
And yes, the dream could change :)