PARADOX, which for some reason no one says nowhere, and likely no one knows.

Its essence is as follows: the higher the quality of service of the body, the greater the demands it makes
. Oddly enough, the body behaves like a child who spoil the more, the more he is naughty. Or like a snob, which quickly becomes accustomed to luxury, and that is very hard to please. How is this manifested?
For example, when you start to actively engage in sports, you notice that the form is quickly lost, even if for a short time to stop workout, or train hard enough. There may be pain in the muscles, joints, spine, weakness, malaise, illness. And before that, when all is not engaged, nothing of the sort was slowly pulling his strap, and on what did not complain too much.
When the transition to the power of the first kind of food seems to be the most high-quality and high-grade food, can be shortage of any vitamins and minerals, to the point that even the hair and the teeth may fall down. And before that, when fed mostly canned food, sausage yes pasta, eating, for propriety's sake, only one leaf of lettuce a day, was feeling like nothing is normal.
How is this possible, and what is the point of care and cater to your body?
Imagine, for comparison, the vagabond life, and the life of a man who is accustomed to grooming yourself, nurture and nothing does not deny. At first there is not even a toothbrush, he is forced to live, how to live - at least desires and complaints. And imagine how much you need and all the second! The higher the bar the quality of life, the more it takes all sorts of things and attributes.
That's the same body - when you feed a low-grade food, he falls to marginal status. The body becomes, as if stunned and unfeeling, it loaded a burden, forced hard labor to pull the strap. It is not up to what - to pull his load. Similarly, a mule, doomed for life to go in a circle, turning the millstone mill, does not resist and not complain - he has adapted to his fate, and fell into a deep sleep - he simply had no choice. And also the body has no choice as to accept, adapt. From a life of the body wears out very quickly, however, as long as life is smoldering, he dutifully pulls his strap. Thank God, the ability to survive in extreme conditions inherent nature. But not unlimited, and from time to time, of course.
Now imagine what happens when the body is freed from the burden, relieve him from the strap and let loose. Luxury life begins! Starts the process of purification, renewal, regeneration. The body remembers what it is supposed to be by nature, and set to work to restore and revive all lost. But, as you know, for luxury living longer required much more of various attributes. There is a critical, increased demand for vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements.
And then there's piled transition problems. Grow piles of garbage in the process of "major repairs", they need somewhere to take out, and excretory systems of power is not enough. Therefore, exacerbation of chronic disease, a disorder of the nervous system, general health deterioration, breaking. And the "master" and even permanent failures - and then he tries to throw again strap on his "mule" and bring him back to his former life. The body is in very difficult conditions, it confused, it is very difficult to adjust. In such a situation, instead of the expected changes for the better, the deterioration can occur. The body as it hangs between the two steps of the pyramid. In trying to live can not, and in a new way can not. And how much it will last - is unknown. All different, individually.
So, if you want to really build a luxury life in your body, it is necessary to approach this intelligently and deliberately, and not anyhow. Joke, move to another level of the pyramid? No, it's not a joke.
The main principle - gradually. The abrupt transition powered exclusively live on vegetable food may be accompanied by very unpleasant effects. There comes a crisis: digestive upset, exacerbated by old diseases, or somewhere there are new, dramatically lost weight, there may be headache, toothache, allergic reactions, irritability, nervousness, feeling unwell, and even depression. Of course, all is normalized over time. However, it is a crisis period when, instead of the expected improvement comes on the contrary, the deterioration of all, is the main reason why people do not stand up and go back to a dead food. The abrupt transition - not good in all respects. It's a lot of stress, and awareness, and for the body. Increasing the share of live plant foods in the diet should be gradually, without stress, with pleasure.
Do not limit a substitution. If possible, replace the specific junk food less harmful. For example, sugar - honey, cakes and pies - a 72-percent chocolate or sweet dried fruits, smoked - boiled, pan - Steamer, fat - vegetable, olive and sunflower oil - linseed or cedar, porridge - germinated legumes and grasses, wild rice. Products made of flour, yeast bread, all kinds of canned food and other synthetics in general the supermarket deleted and replaced by anything natural. Please note, there is produced is not a limitation, and the replacement of certain products by other more valuable and less toxic.
No clogging and cleaning. The food should be chosen from those reasons that it is more cleaned than to litter. For example, white flour products clog the intestines and liver mazutoobraznoy weight, and products from wheat flour with bran - purified. Cooked oatmeal turn the body in a stagnant swamp, and sprouted legumes (beans, mung bean, chickpeas, lentils), even if boiled for three to five minutes, cleanse the body at all levels, from cells to filtrosistem. Wild rice, even cooked - very good food in a transition period
. Are there foods that detoxify the body better than any starvation.
First harvested thistle. Take a kilo and a half of milk thistle seeds, rinse thoroughly, put in an enamel bowl and fill with water, infused with Shungite. This is best done early in the morning. In the evening, the water drained, the emerged seeds throw, shift all in a colander and cover the top with gauze soaked in four layers. In the morning and in the evening the next day the seeds rinse well under running water, without removing the gauze. If the water is chlorinated, use to settle, it is desirable to shungit to destroy pathogenic bacteria. In the morning the next day the seeds should germinate already. It is necessary to wash them again, spread out on trays and put in a dehydrator to dry at a temperature of 41 C (or the oven, on the small fire, with the door open).
Thus, you get a product that by cleansing, healing and nutritional properties, there is practically no analogues. Milk has a unique feature - it restores the liver cells, and removes toxins. Besides, it is the strongest antioxidant. Flavonoids thistle show 10 times higher antioxidant activity than tocopherol, known as Vitamin E - Vitamin youth. The composition of this plant is part of a unique biologically active substance - silymarin, which is for its healing properties, multi-function, so that milk thistle can not be attributed to any one group of drugs. Milk thistle is also called "The Gift of the Virgin Mary." She - the national symbol of Scotland. Apparently, not in vain.
Thus, if the cook the food, then choose the most useful, which will serve as your assistant during the transition period to the live food.