Experience one father

I am the father of three daughters))). Two of them go to school, I can say they were forced to move to veganism. Now they mainly eat fruits, vegetables.
I crushed them, and what you want to say - I do not regret at all. In children (almost a year) missing the disease, snot, abdominal pain. Prior to that, constantly heard that after dining at school stomach hurt both. I explain to them all the time, talking about the raw food diet, about the health about how I looked up to a raw food diet and now. As I was with them the reins to a raw food diet and now.
I How long they spend and how much is now up - they can see the difference 11, 9 years old and now has 1 month baby. And yes, we sectarians pohren me by other people. Why I realized that eating shit to feed Dunno what their children ??? For what? What choice do they have? About what you say - a task Parents naturally - do not expose their offspring from disease and death. We are talking about young children, rather than 16 or more.
Thanks to this system and zhrachke of the chemistry that I ate 33 years old, I messed up a bunch of teeth, fed themselves from 55 kg to 90, nearly killed his kidneys, migraine and headaches, it was standard, fear and anger constant quarrels in the family, and I have let my children to dance to this tune? Nifiga !!!
As in the song - it is not necessary to cave in under the changeable world - let better it will sag under us

Children's first school time to the music, sports school, energetic, funny, clever, skin is clean, fragrant (but there was a transition period, and were also clean them).
Do not cave in under the system - it makes us customers of pharmacies, doctors and shops !!! Constantly talking with the children, explain and do not care at all - but at least convince them that they are the new people - even this option is better than Buda allow that there is something unfit for this
! The school takes the apples, make them different salads, eating in the canteen if only buckwheat and salads - we have not watered sauce (it's good). Each morning juices, green smoothies, evening salads, fruits, nuts, sweets do on weekends, all sorts syroednye dishes as an alternative. Do it yourself chocolate, candy, halvah (although to me it's not quite himself just try).
The bread we buy only to leaven baked wife is small it was not. Pate made from buckwheat, bread buy - but not often. We have enough water melons, apples, pears, plums and vegetables. All the salads they watered syrodavlennym lennym or sunflower oil. It's hard work but enjoyable - I see them bloom every day and enjoy life instead of eternal snot
. That winter the temperature in the house was no more than 18 degrees - hardly hurt at the nozzle. Soplyali only when they are eating potatoes and now, too, if more grains, cereals or potatoes as snot snot coming but without pain and temperature.
Once they strike staged against green smoothies from wild plants, so I took a glass of cocktail in one hand, and the second syringe and needle - went to them and read them a lecture that parents choose for their children and what they themselves choose - say so - do not want to drink - do not drink - then we will all do injections, vaccinations, take medicine to lie under droppers, etc.
They are up to the CE I did not know who the doctors - with the birth of treating them enemas and herbs. But when he learned about the CE - I saw the light and realized that in general can not get sick
! After that asked themselves a cocktail of nettle, dandelion and apple. Everything is possible! All in your hands! Never give up - we bend over this system. On the raw food life just yet VOZROZHDAETSYA will melt and values of all the places and is family, friends, SEZHY air and nature, FRUITS AND BEAUTY WORLD!
In the words of T. Shevchenko - borіtesya i levies
! I.Hristos - knock and you open and so
Andriy Bagnyuk