From the people to the machines: Robotic Revolution in China

In China, unbeknownst to many quiet revolution happening . Few people had heard of a company such as Shenzhen Everwin Precision Technology, but it makes history. Early last year, the company-manufacturer of electronic components has announced plans to build the first fully-automated factory in the country. About 1,000 industrial robots to replace workers on the production lines. Therefore, the company plans to raise productivity and find a solution to the problem of reducing the number of working-age population and the growth of wages.
Previously, it was thanks to cheap labor, China could become the world's manufacturer. However, this trend fades. The controversial policy of "one child" has been able to keep the rapid growth of the population, but the number of able-bodied people between the ages of 16 to 59 years decreased. This means growth of competition in the industrial areas of China, such as in south-eastern Guangdong province. Meanwhile, the younger generation of workers does not tend to go to work on the production of, and trying to find a more tranquil work that requires less expenditure of energy.

The market reality. Due to the policy of "one child", which was recently canceled, the number of young workers has declined significantly in recent years. According to the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Guangdong Province, the number of работников local industry decreased at 600-800 thousand. people, which, in turn, led to an increase in wages. In 2005, the average annual wage in China was 18,364 yuan, and by 2014 had reached 56,339 mu, which is a record.

Wage growth has put China at a disadvantage. Earlier, as already mentioned, the advantage of the country in the sphere of production was just cheap labor work, and with the growth of wages, this advantage is lost. Cancellation policy of "one child" - is only a small part of the solution. Робототехническая Revolution can greatly alleviate this problem.
Guangdong is often called the world factory. More and more companies in the region trying to replace human labor machine to do cheaper products, and their production cycle - more efficient. According to Reuters, the purpose of the capital of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, is a автоматизация 80% of all industry 2020.
Photo: BartlomiejMagierowski / Shutterstock.com em>
Source: geektimes.ru/company/robohunter/blog/270682/