The Law of Giving ..
You've probably ever heard the phrase "in order to get something, you must first give." This is one of the fundamental laws of the universe, the law of energy exchange, which states that "life is present where there is an exchange." For example, to attract wealth and abundance to fill your life, you have to help the other person to become rich - start to show around you what you want to see in your life. Do you want love, give love the world, the people themselves, and all that is around. To be healthy, you need to give your body the healthy components (physical exercise, filled with the energy of food, sleep, complete rest, observance of a favorable regime of the day, etc.). Where there is an exchange, there is the life. If you do not give the desired world around your world, then where does it appear in our life? .. Giving selflessly giving something of my own universe, she gladly reciprocate ... :)
Kind words
In the abundance of very important role played by the gifts and blessings. Make it a rule to make gifts to others ... What do you mean? There is no question of expensive things. What could be better than a good word, advice and support? .. Give you a smile to a stranger or help in some uncomplicated case. You can give your phone or address of those people who can help someone. Give a book that will give answers to many questions that concern your friend. The gift can be anything, something that gives aid to another person. The best gifts are often priceless ...
Blessing often in people associated with religious movements. In fact it meant a favorable attitude towards the world beneath. Abundance - a person's ability a positive attitude towards people and the world at large. If you see that you are surrounded by happiness and warmth, then the universe will nourish your faith. By sending positive energy to people around them, they feel a pleasant feeling in your company. That's your positive attitude toward the world attract into your life the same joyful people favorable situations and events ...
The law of energy exchange
Exchange of energy - it is the law of the universe. If you are trying to get rich thanks to the constant saving, then the money will stop flowing into your life.
If you do not have enough heat, give it to others, smile! ..
Only by sharing in what you need, with the outside world, you open the way for a kickback.
How to become completely healthy in one year ?! Marwa Ohanyan.
Our universe is a huge reservoir of energy.