7 healers of body and soul.

►Lyubov true
You have to understand the difference between lust and true love. Lust is driven by selfishness, true love is driven by altruism. Lust passes as quickly as it begins, and sometimes ends with quarrels, stress, and other adverse events to health. But true love (without conditions) remain with us forever.
The man who lives from one extreme to another, sooner or later lose health. Harmonious man does not choose, he knows moderation in all things and always at peace. All the psychologists of the world say that a healthy person - a harmonious person
Man Rejoicing in the outside world - the consumer. Man, enjoying the pleasure within - an optimist. An optimist always happy, his joy is inexhaustible and does not depend on the outside world. Doctors say that people who experience the joy and happiness, less susceptible to diseases than pessimists.
The fact that morality is the most direct impact on our health known since ancient times. "The doctor could tell the patient: a fit of greed you, or anemia samomnitelnosti or betrayal stones, or scabies gossip, hatred or stroke" (Elena Roerich). But the doctor had once read us a sermon on morality. This is what we have been saying since childhood.
People accept the world as it is, when faced with difficulties and problems in life without experiencing destructive states of health (of criticism, condemnation, pessimism, depression, hatred, anger).
Cleanliness must be in physical manifestation, and in his mind.
English novelist William Makepeace Thackeray shows us the power of thought: "Sow a thought - you reap an act, reap an act - reap a habit, reap a habit - reap a character, sow character - reap a destiny»
Charity - is love even to those who do not deserve it. By sending a positive signal to the Universe, showing sincere feelings, you get a positive response.
Picture output from duality into the new world.
Carl Faberge is one of the most renowned jewelers of the XIX century.