New person.

In fact, the "new world consciousness" has officially entered into force in September, when the planet has fallen this crazy wave of transformative energy. In the midst of a cycle of eclipses, equinoxes and last "blood" of the moon.
The difference is that now we are moving actively to participate in it.
This giant loading divine light was so far-reaching that it took us literally months to get out of the rubble that these explosions produced in our DNA. These explosions were necessary in order to undermine from within the layers of our ancient human heritage, in order to convert our limited genetics and start moving towards our fully divine, stellar genetics.
Pleiadians say that for many it has now become a reality, and as a result, we are moving to what they call a completely new life program, which is very malleable and easily responds to the way we, as conscious creators, "cooperate" with it. This new program is living with a lively mind and responds to those commensurate with her level of consciousness.
The upcoming weeks we will present the "first chapter" of existence as new people in the sense that we are now beginning to rewrite their scripts from the standpoint of pure truth. In fact, this entire year can be viewed as a program rewriting, which will provide the opportunity for us to move on to a new life and new experiences without the influence of past obstacles, pulling us down and hold us back.
And as always, the choice is ours. At any moment, right now.
We conclude concentrated 8-years of intensive excavations and internal transformation and turn to an entirely new life as a new people in a new world. Of course, creating itself anew and restructuring the rest of our lives on the basis of the new, the true origin require some time-space. All this completes the cycle of the year (universal nine) we will deal with new and unexplored aspects of their own "I", but also at the same time begin to return / reunite to that and the fact that we love, but from a place of cosmic expansion, finding your true "I" and its true value.
A recent report says that we have to go through a significant rekalibratsiyu (during Mercury retrograde cycle), which should lead to a more permanent reunion with the higher (divine) mind. This update is officially completed, although calibration of this change will continue throughout the year, if not longer.
In some ways, we're still going to need to clean up, but given the recent radical renovation, we've been through, it will be a whole new level, a new level of consciousness and a new perspective. That is, this process is unlike any of the things with which we have encountered to date.
The new man will have version 5.0 of unlimited capacity hard drive, the new RAM, the new operating system and new system applications more incompatible with the old equipment and the processor. Therefore, the whole year we will need to take appropriate action to clean up all vestiges of past patterns, reprogramming and re-paving new neural pathways with new choices and actions, appropriate to our new life experiences. Consistent with our deepest desires and most cherished dreams. (NOTE: In some cases this rise to a new level may require a literal reconstruction of your computer, ie, possible hard drive failure or operating system).
All of our communication system, our perception of and interaction with the world hologram also require adjustment to reflect the new, higher level of consciousness, so maybe a lot, if not all, may change.
We are already seeing how life is changing, reflecting these changes through the universal sorting system, in which those things that you no longer resonate with the new consciousness, a sudden collapse, simultaneously with the opening of new possibilities, going to replace something outdated. End one relationship and begin a new, restored the old to a new level. Groups Shower leave the physical world, some people suddenly and unexpectedly move to new places, the old business relationships and businesses are closed and replaced with new ones. This list goes on and on.
All of us, anyway, empties itself before the start filled with new life. This manifests itself in many ways and a myriad of ways, the most common of which can manifest as major failures in vital force, finance, clarity and creative power. Even in the early "spring cleaning" when you can feel the imperative impulse to let a lot of things to make room for the coming tide of new energy.
Clearing the clutter and reorient to a new life, we suddenly noticed a new, unfettered thought processes are firmly based on self-love, respect and the ability to defend your light and your truth, let them "not stutter." This is one of the obvious advantages of the new processor, which is the essence of star called a "processor of God," that our part that knows our true value without a shadow of a doubt, and that is able to communicate with the world in an unshakable confidence.
This promising ability, along with many others, creates for us the basis on which each of us can become a "revelation" of this year, to participate and, ultimately, succeed in developing a new consciousness.
Now it's our game. Time to play ... in people.
Translation: Ian Lisakov
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