10 fatty foods from which the body continuous use
Early on in the total nutrition evil eyes newly adherents of healthy food was thrown in the direction of fat, the most obvious causes of obesity. But it was not so clear and took the "holy place" refined carbohydrates and processed foods has led to greater obesity planety.Pereproveriv data, scientists have come to the conclusion that some saturated fat foods are not only possible, but also need to return to your diet, otherwise no end of problems with health. Website publishes a compilation of facts, it is dedicated to such products.
Avocado h2> In contrast to all other fruits contain carbohydrates, fats avocado abounds. With a fat content of 77% fat content of avocados is superior to even the majority of products of animal origin. The main fatty acid is monounsaturated fat called oleic acid. It also prevails in olive oil and is known for its positive effects on the heart.
Cheese h2> Cheese extremely nutritious. This is not surprising, given that a glass of milk goes into the making of a slice of cheese. The cheese contains calcium, vitamin B12, phosphorus, selenium and all groups of nutrients. A thick slice of cheese contains 6, 7 g protein, as much as 1 cup of milk. And, like all fat dairy products, cheese contains essential fatty acids have a positive influence on health.
Dark chocolate h2> This is one of those rare products that taste is no less beautiful than its positive qualities. The dark chocolate contains 65% fat, 11% fat and more than 50% of the recommended daily dose of iron, magnesium, copper and manganese. And the number of antioxidants it surpasses even the famous blueberries. Studies have also confirmed that people who regularly eat dark chocolate, have 50% less likely to die from heart disease compared to those who did not eat. Other studies show the effectiveness of the chocolate to improve the functioning of the brain and protection from harmful effects of sunlight.
Egg h2> Some time ago proclaimed harmful eating eggs because of their yolks contain too much cholesterol (1 egg - 71% of the recommended daily dose). However, recent studies have shown that cholesterol from eggs most people have no effect on blood cholesterol. Eggs are rehabilitated and re-declared one of the most nutritious foods in the world. It contains all essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants and protect the vision necessary for brain activity element choline, which loses about 90% of people.
fatty fish varieties h2> The usefulness of oil-rich fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines and herring, have no doubts. They provide valuable omega-3 fatty acids, high quality protein, as well as all kinds of nutrients. Those in whose menu is constantly present, these types of fish are much less likely to develop cardiovascular disease, depression, dementia, and many other common diseases.
Nuts h2> Nuts are one of the most generous gifts of nature. In addition to the wonderful taste, they are famous for high fiber and vegetable protein of excellent quality. They are full of vitamin E, which is called the "beauty vitamin", and magnesium, which most people do not get enough. Walnuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts - choose to your taste individually or all together. But remember that it is useful not only heat-treated whole nuts. Crushing, fried in oil, salt, sugar, spices and other intricacies nuts are even tasty, but an empty food.
Butter h2> Butter is almost pure fat, half of which - saturated fat. However, the fatty acids from the oil proved to be an excellent assistant health. In oil from the grass-fed cows also contains valuable nutrients, such as vitamins A and K2. In general, the inhabitants of the countries with a developed dairy farms, where the cows eat grass, less likely to die from heart disease and, oddly enough, considering the fat content of foods such as cream and butter, have almost no extra weight.
Extra virgin olive oil h2> Another fat product, the benefits of which no one would dare argue. Olive oil is a key ingredient of Mediterranean cuisine, which is recognized as not only one of the most delicious, but also very balanced and useful in the world. In addition to the abundance of vitamins E and K, it contains a powerful antioxidant that can eliminate the inflammation and improve blood quality.
Coconuts and coconut oil h2> Coconuts and making oil contains 90% saturated fat, making them the world's richest source of this type of fat. However, people, daily consume the product in large quantities, does not show a high mortality rate due to heart disease and is not prone to obesity. Coconut oil is different from all other fats, for a mid-level fatty acids, the body is processed in a special way. These fatty acids come straight to the liver where it can be converted to ketone bodies. The researchers attributed this ability fats such as decreased appetite, accelerate metabolism, and even help in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
The fat yogurt h2> Forget about the created models and dancers zero-interest watery yogurt. The most useful (and tasty, admit it) is just fat yogurt. It contains all the typical fat dairy products, nutrients, and, in addition, extremely useful probiotic bacteria that take care of not only your health, but also beauty. Clinical studies have proven that by improving digestion, yogurt helps the skin and hair stay clean, healthy and young. In addition, it is effective in the fight against excess weight.
Avocado h2> In contrast to all other fruits contain carbohydrates, fats avocado abounds. With a fat content of 77% fat content of avocados is superior to even the majority of products of animal origin. The main fatty acid is monounsaturated fat called oleic acid. It also prevails in olive oil and is known for its positive effects on the heart.
In addition, avocados - is an excellent source of potassium. Its in the fruit on 40% more than in bananas, another famous source of this valuable element. Avocado also contains the necessary fiber to improve digestion.
Cheese h2> Cheese extremely nutritious. This is not surprising, given that a glass of milk goes into the making of a slice of cheese. The cheese contains calcium, vitamin B12, phosphorus, selenium and all groups of nutrients. A thick slice of cheese contains 6, 7 g protein, as much as 1 cup of milk. And, like all fat dairy products, cheese contains essential fatty acids have a positive influence on health.
Dark chocolate h2> This is one of those rare products that taste is no less beautiful than its positive qualities. The dark chocolate contains 65% fat, 11% fat and more than 50% of the recommended daily dose of iron, magnesium, copper and manganese. And the number of antioxidants it surpasses even the famous blueberries. Studies have also confirmed that people who regularly eat dark chocolate, have 50% less likely to die from heart disease compared to those who did not eat. Other studies show the effectiveness of the chocolate to improve the functioning of the brain and protection from harmful effects of sunlight.
However, we must remember that it is only the high-quality dark chocolate, consisting of at least 70% of cocoa.
Egg h2> Some time ago proclaimed harmful eating eggs because of their yolks contain too much cholesterol (1 egg - 71% of the recommended daily dose). However, recent studies have shown that cholesterol from eggs most people have no effect on blood cholesterol. Eggs are rehabilitated and re-declared one of the most nutritious foods in the world. It contains all essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants and protect the vision necessary for brain activity element choline, which loses about 90% of people.
fatty fish varieties h2> The usefulness of oil-rich fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines and herring, have no doubts. They provide valuable omega-3 fatty acids, high quality protein, as well as all kinds of nutrients. Those in whose menu is constantly present, these types of fish are much less likely to develop cardiovascular disease, depression, dementia, and many other common diseases.
Nuts h2> Nuts are one of the most generous gifts of nature. In addition to the wonderful taste, they are famous for high fiber and vegetable protein of excellent quality. They are full of vitamin E, which is called the "beauty vitamin", and magnesium, which most people do not get enough. Walnuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts - choose to your taste individually or all together. But remember that it is useful not only heat-treated whole nuts. Crushing, fried in oil, salt, sugar, spices and other intricacies nuts are even tasty, but an empty food.
Butter h2> Butter is almost pure fat, half of which - saturated fat. However, the fatty acids from the oil proved to be an excellent assistant health. In oil from the grass-fed cows also contains valuable nutrients, such as vitamins A and K2. In general, the inhabitants of the countries with a developed dairy farms, where the cows eat grass, less likely to die from heart disease and, oddly enough, considering the fat content of foods such as cream and butter, have almost no extra weight.
Extra virgin olive oil h2> Another fat product, the benefits of which no one would dare argue. Olive oil is a key ingredient of Mediterranean cuisine, which is recognized as not only one of the most delicious, but also very balanced and useful in the world. In addition to the abundance of vitamins E and K, it contains a powerful antioxidant that can eliminate the inflammation and improve blood quality.
It shows the ability of olive oil to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, lower blood pressure and protect against all kinds of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Coconuts and coconut oil h2> Coconuts and making oil contains 90% saturated fat, making them the world's richest source of this type of fat. However, people, daily consume the product in large quantities, does not show a high mortality rate due to heart disease and is not prone to obesity. Coconut oil is different from all other fats, for a mid-level fatty acids, the body is processed in a special way. These fatty acids come straight to the liver where it can be converted to ketone bodies. The researchers attributed this ability fats such as decreased appetite, accelerate metabolism, and even help in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
The fat yogurt h2> Forget about the created models and dancers zero-interest watery yogurt. The most useful (and tasty, admit it) is just fat yogurt. It contains all the typical fat dairy products, nutrients, and, in addition, extremely useful probiotic bacteria that take care of not only your health, but also beauty. Clinical studies have proven that by improving digestion, yogurt helps the skin and hair stay clean, healthy and young. In addition, it is effective in the fight against excess weight.
It should however be careful to choose the right to live yoghurt: it should not contain harmful additives (sugar, flavoring and aromatic enhancers, thickeners, etc.), and its shelf life should be small. Otherwise, you buy stuffed with preservatives and flavorings product, very far from the name of "healthy».
via trendymen.ru/lifestyle/health/121391/
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