33 lessons that must learn my son

Boys, however, as the girls do not grow by themselves. In order to educate the present and loving man, you need to work on themselves and develop it the best that is in you.
Website publishes tips famous Portuguese blogger Ana Carolina, whom she first wanted to teach his son.
1. I appreciate the time spent with his grandparents.
2. Look straight into the eyes of the person with whom you shake hands.
3. You are what you do, not what you say.
4. Talent always achieved through perseverance. Learn to sing.
5. Girls like boys clean. Take a bath as often as possible.
6. If you have no choice but to resolve the case by force, beat first. Bay greatly.
7. Praise your mom for her every dish.
8. If you'll think that achieved great influence in society, try to get the dog to another person to go with you.
9. Do not spend a lot of money on hairdressing. The hair still grows back quickly.
10. Never risuysya. Impressive.
11. Know how to listen.
12. Do not forget to thank the people who helped you.
13. If you do not know the meaning of a word to say to you, ask before it is too late.
14. Walk on foot. It is good for your health.
15. If you wrote an angry message, read it again carefully. And then daring.
16. Never, under any circumstances, do not argue with a woman when she is pregnant.
17. Try to travel alone.
18. Do not look a dog straight in the eye.
19. Find an area where you'll be an expert.
20. Always choose a window seat and admire the view.
21. Never out with the online photo you do not have to see your leaders or parents.
22. At least twice a year, stops his life and concludes: Think about what you're doing right and what is wrong.
23. Do not spoil family photos. Smile.
24. If you see your teacher outside of school, pretending not to notice him. Give it a rest quietly.
25. Each school is experiencing ridicule and bullying. One day you'll have to put all in place, so it's not going on the rest of life.
26. If a teacher forgets to check homework, do not remind him about it.
27. Never refuse an invitation to an evening in the company of intellectuals.
28. If you succeed in something, do not brag.
29. In a roller coaster sit in the first car.
30. If you give clothes - put on it. This is the best gratitude. Even if it's the first and last time.
31. If someone borrowed your car, return it with a full tank.
32. Someday take me to Paris.
33. If a street performer made you stop, you have to give him a coin.
via mulhermaefilhaecia.blogspot.ru/2012/01/40-licoes-que-eu-tambem-gostaria-que.html
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