A selection of video lessons in physics for sad schoolchildren
Pavel Andreevich Victor is an Odessa teacher who recorded and broadcasted on YouTube for three years. physics. There are 473 lessons each lasting more than half an hour.
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Pavel Victor 64 years old, teacher of physics of Odessa. Broadcasts his lessons on the YouTube channel, subscribers over 80 thousand, views exceeded 8 million, the most interesting thing is that there is no advertising on the channel, he does all this for free. Respect and Respect. #Pavelvictor #Physics teacher #Education #Physics #School
A post shared by World of Facts️? (@mf_mirfactov) on May 12, 2019 at 12:43pm PDT
The total number of views was more than 8 million, and the most popular video was watched as much as 150,000 times and the number is only growing! Of course, this is a real record for training classes in basic physics.
For the first time, Pavel Andreevich thought about giving a few lessons on Skype, when several of his students could not come to class. Distance learning on the Internet already seemed to him a good alternative.
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Students are now in self-study. At least not on distance, but on self-learning. I understand the importance of distance learning... To the teacher all the parent chat knock half a day sometimes?? Although we were connected to the site where online lessons are held, but the son said that he already knows all this already. In one of the videos from the YouTube channel 10 minutes broadcast that you can not understand a word? ************************? So, we learn on our own practically... But I am not a teacher at all? My student argues with me and I will not persuade you to sit down correctly and put the notebook correctly so that the handwriting is smoother. I understand that schools don't teach that now. He sat down and sat down...??? How is your homeschooling going? Can you share your experience????? #educational #learning #lessons #urokidoma #mom #son #school #mamateacher #parents #children #amursk #Khabarovsk #Komsomolsk #Vladivostok #solar #artem #found #nikolaevsknaamur
A post shared by Svetlana/business site (@kulninasvetlana) on Apr 10, 2020 at 6:50pm PDT
Of course, there were also related problems: constantly moving the computer so that the entire board was visible, the picture on the screen failed, and so on. But after several brief quarantines, the students’ management and parents decided to allocate funds for the installation of new modern equipment with an uninterrupted flow of data.
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Today, when schools celebrate boys, we want to talk about them. And do it as honestly as possible. Teachers know that teaching kids is sometimes difficult. Let’s work with psychologist Galina Kozhevnikova to understand why this happens and how to motivate tomboys. “Boys have a longer play motivation and a later learning motivation. But this is not bad: children’s games are the key to creative development. Playing, the child forms independence and independence of thinking. But it is better to send boys to school later. Do not judge the readiness of a child solely by his skills. He may be able to read and count, but emotionally and socially unprepared for everyday lessons. How to work with boys who have already become schoolchildren? Add game elements to your studies. It can be a small competition or the solution of unusual problems with fairy tales. You can find such in the collections “Non-standard tasks” by German Levitas and “Developing tasks” by Boris Druzhinin. Observe how much your child can hold their attention and let them work at these times. If he is able to concentrate for 15 minutes, the path after that will rest a little, and then get back to work. Let's get moving. Boys just can’t sit in one place for long. So a little exercise is necessary. Problematic learning is well suited to working with boys. They are by nature explorers and experimenters. Let them show these qualities in their studies! If the boy is not very successful in his studies, he needs to be given the opportunity to realize himself in other areas. It can be sports or music, theater or robotics. Any hobby in which he can succeed. This is very important for his self-esteem. ? And most importantly, don't worry. Sometimes the boys who didn't do well in junior high get ahead in middle school. Perhaps they are helped by just what interfered in the “beginner”: some stubbornness, gaming excitement, craving for research and experimentation. Do you notice the difference between girls and boys in school? Who is easier to work with?
A post shared by Ilexa Publishing House (@ilea_izdatel) on Feb 21, 2020 at 7:05am PST
As it turned out, writing a lecture is only the tip of the iceberg. It still takes a lot of time to answer students and process comments online. After all, with each new material, the number of subscribers of Pavel Andreevich only grew.
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Helping a tired child at school is essential. Many parents, seeing that the child is smart and smart, load him with quite serious tasks, and he does not pull such a volume energetically and the motivation to learn generally falls. How to understand that learning problems are due to fatigue and how to help? = Signs of a tired child can and can do anything if he wants. He usually wants to learn and knows a lot. But he almost never gets the job done perfectly. In his notebooks, a lot of blunders and inaccuracies, and, in recent problems, recent examples, recent sentences - this is an important sign. It seems that by the end of the lesson or working day, the child seems to “blown away”. He can sit for a long time in class, but he won't do anything. It is as if it exists in an energy saving mode. He is often bored (favorite word), handwriting "floats" against the background of fatigue - giant or, on the contrary, microscopic letters can appear. It is difficult to hold a static posture - constantly slides under the table, falls or twitches, shakes his foot, swings, drums with a pen on the table. You can see distraction, emotional instability, difficulty remembering new information, learning rules and poems, fluctuating attention and performance. #school #school #parents #mom #dad #daughter #family # homework #children #school #age
A post shared by family learning (@mama_uchit_so) on Apr 27, 2018 at 1:36pm PDT
After processing the last lesson for eleventh graders, the teacher realized that he could not stop there. Therefore, on his channel you can now see recordings with lectures for the seventh, eighth and ninth grades.
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Hey! Although the cover is a great fantasist, the subject is very serious. Today we will talk about one of our most popular books. The collection “1001 problems in physics” was created by a team of three authors: Ilya Gelfgat, Lev Gendenstein and Leonid Kirik. The authors themselves call this book an “encyclopedia of problems of elementary physics.” It has tasks of three levels of difficulty: medium, complex (with an asterisk до) and Olympiad ( до до). But this is not just a task, but a training manual. It is structured in such a way that simpler – preparatory tasks are given before complex tasks. Having followed this path, the student will inevitably learn to solve problems of different levels of complexity. At the end of the book are answers, directions and, in some cases, solutions. Studying this section will help to test yourself and learn to solve similar problems. By the way, Baron Munchausen appeared on the cover not by chance: some of the tasks were set on his behalf. So the students will learn how fast he was flying at the core and what force he used to pull himself out of the swamp. For the sake of interest, we read reviews about this book. It was very pleasant to see her in an interview with one of the professors of MEPhI: in preparation for admission, he recommended, among other things, this manual. But it was even more pleasant to read the review, in which the mother of the schoolboy said that with the help of this manual he was able to tighten up physics in two weeks - a problematic subject for him. It looks like a miracle, but we believe it is. You can find this book on our website (in the profile header). Its cost in My Shop is 235 rubles. If you need links - write, we will gladly send. Have you ever worked with this book?
A post shared by Ilexa Publishing House (@ilea_izdatel) on Feb 13, 2020 at 6:02am PST
Due to the successful work of Pavel Andreyevich, the lyceum switched to an experimental mode and launched several more online platforms: in mathematics and the Ukrainian language. And this has borne fruit, the performance of students has significantly increased.
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With a beautiful autumn comes the birthday of RL, which is about to take place??? There are already lists of rooms that prepare classes. We decided to reveal the intrigue in advance so that everyone could know where they wanted to go. If you are a coffee lover or a handsome boy, are you in a hurry to the 11-M.24 classroom? If you enjoy insects, and in particular cockroaches, then of course run to the 11-F.16 room? If you dream of finding your happiness or legalizing it with the knot of marriage, then you, of course, by 11-HB, 27 cabinet? у If you enjoy being disappointed and expecting at the same time, then go to the 10th grade waiting room in vain, room 22? If you are an avid participant of quests, then go to the 10-F,7 cabinet? If you like to combine the terrible with the pleasant, then go to the cinema stylized as Halloween, 10 room? If you like nothing, then you can always hide from the fuss of the holiday at the 9-F.19 office? If you have a wonderful voice and have a hearing (this is a prerequisite so as not to spoil the life of others), then fly on the waves of music to the 9-HB, 17 room? If you’re a Star Wars fan and like partying, then you definitely need to get to room 8-F.29. If your soul is in the 70s and you just love to dance, then go to the 8-HB.5 room?
A post shared by RICHELIEVSKY PEOPLE (@richelieu_lyceum) on Oct 25, 2016 at 9:46am PDT
The teacher himself explains the success of his classes by the fact that they are really alive, and the topic of the lesson is revealed in full for the right time, and not in 10 minutes, as is often practiced in other videos on Youtube. And besides, children simply like to perceive information from the monitor screen, when nothing distracts them and you can fully focus on the material.
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And this is how we are preparing for the holiday line. I'll see you soon! Thanks for the photo @little_devil_from_rl?
A post shared by RICHELIEVSKY PEOPLE (@richelieu_lyceum) on Aug 30, 2019 at 1:10am PDT
We, in turn, believe that Pavel Andreevich is doing a really useful job. First, its video tutorials can be viewed independently by millions of users. With all the conveniences, in your free time and really get into the essence of the matter. And secondly, it is free training, and even the lecturer gives answers in the comments. The future is here!
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Well, my friends, tomorrow begins the 4th quarter. Everyone downloaded ZOOM?? Or are we going to study under WATSAP? I wonder what that would look like?? Patience to all of us? Especially many children ёб ёб ёб #online education #coronavirus #quarantine #distance learning #school #mektep #zoom #school #school #school #school #school #school #school #remote
A post shared by SUPERPAPASPASERIC (@superpapa_serik) on Apr 4, 2020 at 10:31pm PDT
We hope that on this soil we will see many more useful materials in other subjects from talented teachers and self-education will become affordable, high-quality and comfortable.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=7GbFmno5Pg0
You can remember the school physics course by watching this video, and it will inspire you to new feats. Good luck!
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Pavel Victor 64 years old, teacher of physics of Odessa. Broadcasts his lessons on the YouTube channel, subscribers over 80 thousand, views exceeded 8 million, the most interesting thing is that there is no advertising on the channel, he does all this for free. Respect and Respect. #Pavelvictor #Physics teacher #Education #Physics #School
A post shared by World of Facts️? (@mf_mirfactov) on May 12, 2019 at 12:43pm PDT
The total number of views was more than 8 million, and the most popular video was watched as much as 150,000 times and the number is only growing! Of course, this is a real record for training classes in basic physics.
For the first time, Pavel Andreevich thought about giving a few lessons on Skype, when several of his students could not come to class. Distance learning on the Internet already seemed to him a good alternative.
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Students are now in self-study. At least not on distance, but on self-learning. I understand the importance of distance learning... To the teacher all the parent chat knock half a day sometimes?? Although we were connected to the site where online lessons are held, but the son said that he already knows all this already. In one of the videos from the YouTube channel 10 minutes broadcast that you can not understand a word? ************************? So, we learn on our own practically... But I am not a teacher at all? My student argues with me and I will not persuade you to sit down correctly and put the notebook correctly so that the handwriting is smoother. I understand that schools don't teach that now. He sat down and sat down...??? How is your homeschooling going? Can you share your experience????? #educational #learning #lessons #urokidoma #mom #son #school #mamateacher #parents #children #amursk #Khabarovsk #Komsomolsk #Vladivostok #solar #artem #found #nikolaevsknaamur
A post shared by Svetlana/business site (@kulninasvetlana) on Apr 10, 2020 at 6:50pm PDT
Of course, there were also related problems: constantly moving the computer so that the entire board was visible, the picture on the screen failed, and so on. But after several brief quarantines, the students’ management and parents decided to allocate funds for the installation of new modern equipment with an uninterrupted flow of data.
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Today, when schools celebrate boys, we want to talk about them. And do it as honestly as possible. Teachers know that teaching kids is sometimes difficult. Let’s work with psychologist Galina Kozhevnikova to understand why this happens and how to motivate tomboys. “Boys have a longer play motivation and a later learning motivation. But this is not bad: children’s games are the key to creative development. Playing, the child forms independence and independence of thinking. But it is better to send boys to school later. Do not judge the readiness of a child solely by his skills. He may be able to read and count, but emotionally and socially unprepared for everyday lessons. How to work with boys who have already become schoolchildren? Add game elements to your studies. It can be a small competition or the solution of unusual problems with fairy tales. You can find such in the collections “Non-standard tasks” by German Levitas and “Developing tasks” by Boris Druzhinin. Observe how much your child can hold their attention and let them work at these times. If he is able to concentrate for 15 minutes, the path after that will rest a little, and then get back to work. Let's get moving. Boys just can’t sit in one place for long. So a little exercise is necessary. Problematic learning is well suited to working with boys. They are by nature explorers and experimenters. Let them show these qualities in their studies! If the boy is not very successful in his studies, he needs to be given the opportunity to realize himself in other areas. It can be sports or music, theater or robotics. Any hobby in which he can succeed. This is very important for his self-esteem. ? And most importantly, don't worry. Sometimes the boys who didn't do well in junior high get ahead in middle school. Perhaps they are helped by just what interfered in the “beginner”: some stubbornness, gaming excitement, craving for research and experimentation. Do you notice the difference between girls and boys in school? Who is easier to work with?
A post shared by Ilexa Publishing House (@ilea_izdatel) on Feb 21, 2020 at 7:05am PST
As it turned out, writing a lecture is only the tip of the iceberg. It still takes a lot of time to answer students and process comments online. After all, with each new material, the number of subscribers of Pavel Andreevich only grew.
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Helping a tired child at school is essential. Many parents, seeing that the child is smart and smart, load him with quite serious tasks, and he does not pull such a volume energetically and the motivation to learn generally falls. How to understand that learning problems are due to fatigue and how to help? = Signs of a tired child can and can do anything if he wants. He usually wants to learn and knows a lot. But he almost never gets the job done perfectly. In his notebooks, a lot of blunders and inaccuracies, and, in recent problems, recent examples, recent sentences - this is an important sign. It seems that by the end of the lesson or working day, the child seems to “blown away”. He can sit for a long time in class, but he won't do anything. It is as if it exists in an energy saving mode. He is often bored (favorite word), handwriting "floats" against the background of fatigue - giant or, on the contrary, microscopic letters can appear. It is difficult to hold a static posture - constantly slides under the table, falls or twitches, shakes his foot, swings, drums with a pen on the table. You can see distraction, emotional instability, difficulty remembering new information, learning rules and poems, fluctuating attention and performance. #school #school #parents #mom #dad #daughter #family # homework #children #school #age
A post shared by family learning (@mama_uchit_so) on Apr 27, 2018 at 1:36pm PDT
After processing the last lesson for eleventh graders, the teacher realized that he could not stop there. Therefore, on his channel you can now see recordings with lectures for the seventh, eighth and ninth grades.
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Hey! Although the cover is a great fantasist, the subject is very serious. Today we will talk about one of our most popular books. The collection “1001 problems in physics” was created by a team of three authors: Ilya Gelfgat, Lev Gendenstein and Leonid Kirik. The authors themselves call this book an “encyclopedia of problems of elementary physics.” It has tasks of three levels of difficulty: medium, complex (with an asterisk до) and Olympiad ( до до). But this is not just a task, but a training manual. It is structured in such a way that simpler – preparatory tasks are given before complex tasks. Having followed this path, the student will inevitably learn to solve problems of different levels of complexity. At the end of the book are answers, directions and, in some cases, solutions. Studying this section will help to test yourself and learn to solve similar problems. By the way, Baron Munchausen appeared on the cover not by chance: some of the tasks were set on his behalf. So the students will learn how fast he was flying at the core and what force he used to pull himself out of the swamp. For the sake of interest, we read reviews about this book. It was very pleasant to see her in an interview with one of the professors of MEPhI: in preparation for admission, he recommended, among other things, this manual. But it was even more pleasant to read the review, in which the mother of the schoolboy said that with the help of this manual he was able to tighten up physics in two weeks - a problematic subject for him. It looks like a miracle, but we believe it is. You can find this book on our website (in the profile header). Its cost in My Shop is 235 rubles. If you need links - write, we will gladly send. Have you ever worked with this book?
A post shared by Ilexa Publishing House (@ilea_izdatel) on Feb 13, 2020 at 6:02am PST
Due to the successful work of Pavel Andreyevich, the lyceum switched to an experimental mode and launched several more online platforms: in mathematics and the Ukrainian language. And this has borne fruit, the performance of students has significantly increased.
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With a beautiful autumn comes the birthday of RL, which is about to take place??? There are already lists of rooms that prepare classes. We decided to reveal the intrigue in advance so that everyone could know where they wanted to go. If you are a coffee lover or a handsome boy, are you in a hurry to the 11-M.24 classroom? If you enjoy insects, and in particular cockroaches, then of course run to the 11-F.16 room? If you dream of finding your happiness or legalizing it with the knot of marriage, then you, of course, by 11-HB, 27 cabinet? у If you enjoy being disappointed and expecting at the same time, then go to the 10th grade waiting room in vain, room 22? If you are an avid participant of quests, then go to the 10-F,7 cabinet? If you like to combine the terrible with the pleasant, then go to the cinema stylized as Halloween, 10 room? If you like nothing, then you can always hide from the fuss of the holiday at the 9-F.19 office? If you have a wonderful voice and have a hearing (this is a prerequisite so as not to spoil the life of others), then fly on the waves of music to the 9-HB, 17 room? If you’re a Star Wars fan and like partying, then you definitely need to get to room 8-F.29. If your soul is in the 70s and you just love to dance, then go to the 8-HB.5 room?
A post shared by RICHELIEVSKY PEOPLE (@richelieu_lyceum) on Oct 25, 2016 at 9:46am PDT
The teacher himself explains the success of his classes by the fact that they are really alive, and the topic of the lesson is revealed in full for the right time, and not in 10 minutes, as is often practiced in other videos on Youtube. And besides, children simply like to perceive information from the monitor screen, when nothing distracts them and you can fully focus on the material.
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And this is how we are preparing for the holiday line. I'll see you soon! Thanks for the photo @little_devil_from_rl?
A post shared by RICHELIEVSKY PEOPLE (@richelieu_lyceum) on Aug 30, 2019 at 1:10am PDT
We, in turn, believe that Pavel Andreevich is doing a really useful job. First, its video tutorials can be viewed independently by millions of users. With all the conveniences, in your free time and really get into the essence of the matter. And secondly, it is free training, and even the lecturer gives answers in the comments. The future is here!
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Well, my friends, tomorrow begins the 4th quarter. Everyone downloaded ZOOM?? Or are we going to study under WATSAP? I wonder what that would look like?? Patience to all of us? Especially many children ёб ёб ёб #online education #coronavirus #quarantine #distance learning #school #mektep #zoom #school #school #school #school #school #school #school #remote
A post shared by SUPERPAPASPASERIC (@superpapa_serik) on Apr 4, 2020 at 10:31pm PDT
We hope that on this soil we will see many more useful materials in other subjects from talented teachers and self-education will become affordable, high-quality and comfortable.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=7GbFmno5Pg0
You can remember the school physics course by watching this video, and it will inspire you to new feats. Good luck!