Stereotypes about teacher work
Why are teachers in the former Soviet Union forced to work for pennies? Just because the teacher is not a profession, but a vocation? Isn't it funny that teachers don't need money and their children don't need clothes and food?
The prestigious profession of teachers today is considered only by rural grandparents, in whose memory there are still those days when the teacher was an example and mentor for everyone. There is a lot of talk on TV about the government’s plans to raise teachers’ salaries. That’s the impression that teachers live happily and will live even better.
In fact, in order to live better, it will probably be necessary to completely reform the existing education system, changing both the approach of teachers to the educational process and the attitude of society to the process of obtaining knowledge.
Today's edition. "Site" It will tell about the popular stereotypes surrounding the work of the teacher, which are firmly sitting in the heads of the older generation – both parents and teachers themselves.
DepositPhotos The essence of the teacher’s work is “A teacher is an employee who gets paid for doing his job well.” And profession It is undermined by the same factors as in other industries – low wages, inadequate management, an abundance of paperwork, said Russian language teacher Mikhail Karavaev.
The teacher believes that in order to raise the prestige of the profession and change the worldview of participants in the learning process, one should part with stereotypes that are either no longer relevant, or have never worked in principle, but continue to be perceived as something indestructible.
“If a student is able to explain in a reasoned manner his position, which differs from others, then he is not an upstart, but a good one. Adults cannot always be right. And this barracks habit to get up at the beginning of the lesson or when suddenly the head teacher came - a relic of the Soviet past, - says the teacher.
Children need to be interested in learning. A common thing should be a dialogue between students and teachers, which is based on mutual interest. And if teachers are not interested in students, why should students be interested in these adults who are trying to drill some of their wisdom?
The prestigious profession of teachers today is considered only by rural grandparents, in whose memory there are still those days when the teacher was an example and mentor for everyone. There is a lot of talk on TV about the government’s plans to raise teachers’ salaries. That’s the impression that teachers live happily and will live even better.

In fact, in order to live better, it will probably be necessary to completely reform the existing education system, changing both the approach of teachers to the educational process and the attitude of society to the process of obtaining knowledge.
Today's edition. "Site" It will tell about the popular stereotypes surrounding the work of the teacher, which are firmly sitting in the heads of the older generation – both parents and teachers themselves.

DepositPhotos The essence of the teacher’s work is “A teacher is an employee who gets paid for doing his job well.” And profession It is undermined by the same factors as in other industries – low wages, inadequate management, an abundance of paperwork, said Russian language teacher Mikhail Karavaev.
The teacher believes that in order to raise the prestige of the profession and change the worldview of participants in the learning process, one should part with stereotypes that are either no longer relevant, or have never worked in principle, but continue to be perceived as something indestructible.

- "A teacher is for life."
Teachers are special people that you will remember for life. You may even visit your favorite teacher a couple of times. But most often the teacher is as much a part of the hated school as the desk or the blackboard. You don't miss a piece of chalk, do you? “Teachers should understand the limits of their participation in the life of the student. The main task is to teach the child to gain knowledge himself. Many modern systems allow you to do without mentors, and learning occurs through the joint efforts of students. Progressive young people today are learning from online courses, explains Mikhail Karavaev. - "The teacher is not doing a favor"
In fact, the teacher’s job is to provide quality services to children with taxpayers’ money (albeit tiny). It turns out that teachers owe students, and not vice versa (meaning all these works, poems by heart and thick notes).
DepositPhotos - All the knowledge gained will be useful in life.
“If not for a profession, then it will be useful for general development,” adults tell a child. But if the teacher can not explain why it is necessary to study his subject, then probably not to waste time on such science. - Children should be divided into classes.
The different interests and abilities of children make class division obsolete and unjustified. At least older students should be given the opportunity to choose their own subjects, depending on the specialty they choose in the future. “Bring out items that are unnecessary to the child from his educational program, and this will save you from rigging grades when an excellent student in basic subjects is “tightened” grades in other, unnecessary disciplines,” Mikhail Karavaev argues.
DepositPhotos - “You’ll know about work when you grow up.”
It often happens that before receiving a diploma, a person vaguely imagines what he will do at a future job. But high-quality career guidance work and all possible assistance in familiarizing the student with the future profession would only help to better prepare him for adulthood. - "The teacher is always right."
We need to move away from this stereotype, because knowledge and learning should be mutual. The world is evolving, and even experienced teachers need to constantly work on themselves to provide relevant information. A teacher can always make a mistake. Yeah. bad teachers It's not uncommon.
“If a student is able to explain in a reasoned manner his position, which differs from others, then he is not an upstart, but a good one. Adults cannot always be right. And this barracks habit to get up at the beginning of the lesson or when suddenly the head teacher came - a relic of the Soviet past, - says the teacher.
Children need to be interested in learning. A common thing should be a dialogue between students and teachers, which is based on mutual interest. And if teachers are not interested in students, why should students be interested in these adults who are trying to drill some of their wisdom?