Books in the interior
Creative self-made shelf
For many years, the author dreamed of huge READ letters on the wall, in which you can put all your books treasures, but this wooden map of America has surpassed all our ideas.
Built-in shelves
This perfectly fits shelf seems to have been here forever. It is enough to paint the shelves and walls in one color and the best + harmonious duo not find
There are books which effectively covers all the paintings.
Book fireplace
What good to disappear if they are no one uses - they thought the owners of the house and placed all his books (and almost all of them large, landscape format, all perfect!) Directly into the fireplace.
Book a table
Book in a literal sense of the word.
Low shelves and functional
Bookcase does not have to be a hero in human growth and above - even a tiny shelf under the TV instead of a paper treasure enough.
We do not even know what attracts us in this picture more - perfectly laid out and beautiful books or shiny metal shelf with bizarre twists?
The book - it's so beautiful that place it exists absolutely everywhere!
Fashionable and convenient idea - to make repairs, give a second life to a ladder.
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For many years, the author dreamed of huge READ letters on the wall, in which you can put all your books treasures, but this wooden map of America has surpassed all our ideas.
Built-in shelves
This perfectly fits shelf seems to have been here forever. It is enough to paint the shelves and walls in one color and the best + harmonious duo not find
There are books which effectively covers all the paintings.
Book fireplace
What good to disappear if they are no one uses - they thought the owners of the house and placed all his books (and almost all of them large, landscape format, all perfect!) Directly into the fireplace.
Book a table
Book in a literal sense of the word.
Low shelves and functional
Bookcase does not have to be a hero in human growth and above - even a tiny shelf under the TV instead of a paper treasure enough.
We do not even know what attracts us in this picture more - perfectly laid out and beautiful books or shiny metal shelf with bizarre twists?
The book - it's so beautiful that place it exists absolutely everywhere!
Fashionable and convenient idea - to make repairs, give a second life to a ladder.
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