"Cherish the love. Take care of all my heart ... "

Cherish the love. Take care of all my heart.
And do not waste a second to change resentments.
Call now. Just like call,
To tell about his infinite love.
Take care of children. Take care of all my heart.
Take care of their fathers and mothers.
You do not notice in everyday life depressing
We grow up, and then begin to grow old.
Take care of friends. Take care of all my heart.
We will not one day on this earth.
Spur of the moment not in a hurry to leave forever,
So you do not ever have to regret.
Take care of yourself. Take care of all my heart.
Even if you drown in the swamp of rumors,
Even if the whole world is colder granite,
There are shower, for which the whole world - it's you.
Author: Sophia Novopavlovskaya
Photos in the preview: witneycarson
via witneycarson.com/
"Friends do not buy" - a touching photo project about our smaller brothers
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