TIPS sorceress ...

Resentment corrodes the soul of man and can develop into malignant tumors. So do not accumulate a resentment and forgive and release them.
There is an old method of dissolving resentment. I learned it from an old woman who lives by the sea. If there is resentment, remember dolphins and crying ... "Crying dolphin" healing - they are endowed by nature with small children. Have you noticed how sobbing children? Two short breaths and one long breath ... Here it is the "dolphin crying." Such mourning "dissolves" offense until it stuck deep in the subconscious.
When polyps in the uterus. Harvested in September, the shoots of fir branches brew boiling water (Art. L. Minced raw in a glass of boiling water), and drink half a cup of tea instead.
When bleeding gums gauze pads soaked in a strong tincture of Celandine and make application on the gums.
Do not throw away the fibrous part of the gourd, make of it compresses on the heels, and they will become smooth and delicate.
Hypertension, atherosclerosis 50 g strawberries Pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day.
To get rid of the fungus on the fingers and nails, lubricate the affected area tangerine juice.
Medicines for old age does not exist, but you can fill the body rejuvenating gormonami..Pobolshe sit on his haunches - it increases the natural production of the hormone of youth.
Trophic ulcers recommended to sprinkle the powder of dried nettle leaves.
When thrombophlebitis help cottonweed. Before going to bed make a warm foot baths in the infusion cudweed.
When diabetes is useful to drink tomato juice. It contributes to the normal metabolism and clears the body of toxins and poisons.
Castor oil removes warts, papillomas, moles, brown spots. Lubricate several times a day.
If the heart of junk every day drink 6-7 cups of green tea. It contains substances that prevent the formation of blood clots, causing reduced risk of myocardial infarction.
A small amount of nuts eaten daily helps to lower blood cholesterol levels.
Every day gums then polish with sea salt. They will stop bleeding, and the roots of the teeth will be strengthened.