The collective unconscious has a lot of tricks to master the souls of men.

You probably have heard the statement that, well, the world is all predetermined. And our fate is also predetermined. Believe in it, as it turned out, many who bowed his head before the demon Mara, dropping his hands, going with the flow of the river boundless life. Many children and adolescents came under the influence of perverse dogmas. Informal, various New Age groups - is the most heinous aspects desire Svadhishthana - human consciousness. It appears human weakness, Mara wrapped in pleasure and his very "high" significance.
The collective unconscious has a lot of tricks to master the souls of men. One of the greatest heresy is that everything is predetermined, we have only one way, and all of us have long since decided. People faced with the miserable scraps of esoteric information, written by the hand of man, without analyzing absorb everything that they need to be self. After learning that everything in this world is predetermined choice, freedom of the Spirit, never manifested in the trash of human lust.
But the most amazing thing is that many really predestined. But the choice is up to the person. Everything can be predetermined when a person believes in it and does nothing to his choice triumphed over imaginary force. After the guide, which is the Karma leads and directs the person to complete what they had once begun. But how differently, if a person over many lifetimes makes mistakes ?! It's like a little child, you need to educate and guide in life, he learned how to live properly.
In fact, the people - it is a matrix with a set of individual and spiritual qualities or programs. It is also part of collective programs and collective programs are part of his personality. Matrix, the program generates holographic structures, so that they can manifest in the physical world. And for them is a manifestation of prana, or a comprehensive energy, which every 2 hours of physical time changes polarity at the same time, showing our holographic world in all its glory. Our thoughts, emotions and beliefs - is crystal energies.
When they become mature energy, then they are holograms, manifested in our world, all that we see, hear and feel. But it's kind of an evolutionary illusion. For there is nothing eternal, but the Spirit!
It becomes clear that such a hologram, which has its own individual program of life, life moves to implement the most basic tasks, which is manifested in our daily life. People and objects are not who they essentially are. This energy conductors. It turns out that, like, like, everything is predetermined.
But no, there is something that we need to know. We all choose life. We choose, as best we can and how we were taught. That is why the output of the template - it is difficult stage. But passing this stage, the person is reborn from the ashes of the Self, as a symbol of the Phoenix.
Humility does not apply to the absence of selection. Humility - is the awareness of the law of life. This understanding of its past in terms of its purpose in the present. Humility - is the adoption. Do you think you can take what others cause physical pain or suffering? Hardly. It is those who lose heart and adrift, create conditions where their spirit is not manifested in his personality. It is for them imaginary.
Another way - this is the path of choice. Not wanting to live the way people lived, he decides to move, creating the best. You may ask if this is also predetermined? And you'd be right! There is nothing that would not have been ordained. For everything in the universe has already occurred. But the choice is not that what has never been, and that allows you to choose the options for the script, which there are innumerable. No one can hear, no one can go beyond the law, yet He would not this Act.
Everything is predetermined! But this predestination there are thousands of roads and thousands of opportunities that we elevate or lower. Go along the path does not exist the script - it means to fall out of the collective consciousness. After all, we are not only individuals, we still carry on a program for the collective unconscious. So get out of the template may be the only one who himself has nothing on this template. His consciousness - the consciousness of the One. But until that happens, we need to use choice as a tool of the Creator, and to move in the right direction. This direction we choose. Even those who lowered his hands and bowed his head to the Demon Mary has a chance of reaching. It is at all!
So the choice is. But he is also registered. And no matter what scenario we go, the main thing that we choose to go, and this shows our strength. And if you want to know all the existing scripts humanity prescribed in the collective unconscious. And each of us uses these scripts. Everything in this world has a temporary nature. And if we are aware that I - AM Consciousness, that's when we will have to matter which scenario we are going, we are what happens. And then, when we will have awareness of the Self, the result, as a goal to which we aspire, it will disappear as everything disappears in this world. And there will be only that which is eternal. THIS IS US! We - meaning the Spirit! Spirit - which means Love!
Imagine a situation where a beggar lived all his life in poverty. He slept in the place where once there in the future, it is pure "chance" to find the treasure. It turns out that all his life he was poor and did not know that he was rich. So we, we all have love, but do not know that we have love. That is why the law of the universe leads us there and for us to remember who we really are!
Remember that we do not have what we currently know, we have what we currently do not know! And this mystery must be solved by us!