Why some women are difficult to ask men for help, emotional support, and so on. D.?
Hmm ... It turns out that in every unconscious behavior (script) is a kind of subliminal benefits. For example, not asking, but: the very best will do (the position of "I - controls" or game competition - I'm better than you); but I did not offend rude word, denial, forgetfulness, indifference; if you like - he guessed, I will be happy; not to humiliate, etc., etc..
But here's what else is. There are pros women's requests. They are very, very much. She:
- Not toiling for two-three-four. Keeps his mental and physical health;
- With each request, expressed his tone (not the scenario, about this in a later video called "Sound Women"), it improves hormones. Why? Because it is neither more nor less - inspiring, prompting women's power! So, prettier woman becomes healthier with every course, conscious asking (again "please" is not the way the role of the "beggars" is from another series);
- When a man takes the woman's request - he is blessed with good luck that day. This is how the energy of abundance.
- Man each time reveals and enhances the qualities of masculinity, feels it necessary, a hero, a knight. Well, just as in the time of honey!
- Woman with each request opens and strengthens feminine in themselves. It becomes desirable, beloved, fragile, delicate, unique.
And so on. D.
This topic is enormous, it is impossible to tell in one clip "everything about everything", naturally we talked about general trends, we will continue to disclose it in other videos. Follow the news!
Practice-homework in the video.
We hope you find something useful for yourself!